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Crowd Media CM8 sits on a GOLDMINE, page-49

  1. 1,498 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 167
    I apologise I didn't realise its been a month and a half since the webinar .
    they spoke about talking digital Dom during that period.
    If we put the pieces of the puzzle together they were already excited about it in the webinar and said you will be provided with the information of talking Dom during next quarter.
    In my opinion they could of shown it last webinar they stated it was ready for show .
    But what get me most is they said we need to commercialise it first .
    How do we no how much more has been done since then .
    what if they nailed it working in overtime over a month is like 2 months .
    Last edited by Mike_lowry: 24/03/21
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