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    Treating your cryptos at tax time

    Taxes are here for crypto traders. Here's the ATO drill.

    Summary: Shedding light on the new rules around cryptocurrency and taxes.
    Key take-out: HLB Mann Judd Sydney tax partner, Peter Bembrick, says there are now six key things for cryptocurrency traders must consider before tax time.

    While we don't endorse cryptocurrencies, it’s prudent to point out the tax implications for those with skin in the crypto game.
    New Australian Tax Office rules came into effect on April 3, 2018, and all transactions exceeding $10,000 must now be reported to AUSTRAC, in line with existing rules for bank transfers and cash transactions. As well, all cryptocurrency exchanges are now required to sign up with the Digital Currency Exchange Register.
    HLB Mann Judd Sydney tax partner, Peter Bembrick, points out now it’s much more likely that cryptocurrency transactions will come to the attention of the ATO.
    “People will need to be ready to explain not only where the money came from, but also to show that they have followed the ATO’s rules,” says Bembrick.
    “There are a number of areas that may catch people by surprise, if they haven’t done their research. It’s never a good idea to fall foul of the ATO and, as always, ignorance of the rules is not considered an adequate defence for failing to pay the appropriate tax.”
    Decentralisation ledgers don’t make for anonymous transactions, contrary to popular belief. Cryptocurrency transactions are highly traceable.
    On that tax note, Bembrick believes these are the things cryptocurrency holders must consider, else face serious consequences much like the celebrities who’ve jumped on the bandwagon. For an alternative rundown, check out the ATO.
    Cryptocurrency isn’t a ‘currency’

    But it is an asset. That changes things when it comes to tax time because the asset’s price in Australian dollars is always in a state of flux.
    Essentially, if the transaction seems speculative, it will be taxed as ordinary income. There was an intention to make a profit. Personal use assets are treated differently.
    When asked about cryptocurrency contracts for difference (CFDs), popular avenues take by investors, Bembrick says it’s less clear-cut:
    “Could the contracts be long-term or are they always speculative? That’s the question. In hindsight, you can say, at the time, you had a long-term view, even if the investment is highly leveraged. Not to say you couldn't realise a profit within a shorter period. Concessions might be applied, but they won’t be in most cases.”
    Capital gains tax

    As with any other investment, capital gains tax (CGT) kicks in when a cryptocurrency unit is sold for more than its purchase price. Likewise, the difference between ‘investor’ and ‘trader’ is important for tax purposes.
    “For Australian residents who have held the cryptocurrency for at least 12 months, a 50 percent CGT discount can be claimed, meaning they only pay CGT on half of the actual gain,” says Bembrick.
    “Just like other investments, be aware that the ATO may treat some investors as a ‘trader’ or ‘speculator’. This means that, if the purpose of buying and selling cryptocurrency was for short-term profit rather than long-term capital growth, then any gains would simply be taxed as personal income, without any access to the CGT discount and without the ability to offset any capital losses from other investments against the cryptocurrency gains.”
    ‘Personal use’ exemptions

    If you transact with cryptocurrency, you might be able to claim a personal use exemption.
    Personal use assets — such as cars and boats — are exempt from CGT if they cost less than $10,000.
    Bembrick says the ATO is likely to pardon cryptocurrency if it can be shown the units were acquired purely to hold and then exchange for other goods and services, not with the intention of making a profit, or in the course of carrying on a business.
    For example, acquiring a $3000 parcel of bitcoin with the intention of using it to pay for goods and services, and six months later cashing in the entire amount for $5000 as partial payment for a home renovation, would likely mean the asset passes the personal use test so the $2000 profit wouldn’t be taxed.
    A caveat, Bembrick notes — “the question of intention can be quite subjective and is not always so easy to prove”.
    Keep proper records

    The ATO expects individuals to keep records of cryptocurrency purchases and sales. To put it simply:
    • The dates of purchases/sales
    • The value in Australian dollars of each transaction
    • The identity of the other party (e.g. their cryptocurrency address)
    • The nature and purpose of the transaction
    Retaining electronic records that pertain to the first three points shouldn’t be too difficult, believes Bembrick. Although, some parties use disposable wallets for security reasons — clearly invalidating the purpose of this exercise.
    And it’s unclear what constitutes a transaction anyway. The ATO still needs to iron out whether transferring a coin onto another exchange counts as a transaction, rather than simply selling a coin, in the same vein as transferring residential property to another related party.
    The high cost of ‘mining’

    If you’re in the business of mining cryptocurrency, it will be treated as just that — a business. The value of units acquired is therefore assessable income in the year of acquisition.
    “On the assumption that the cryptocurrency units are treated as either trading stock or CGT assets, however, then any further unrealised increased in the value of units held will not be taxable until they are eventually realised on a later disposal,” he says.
    “In addition, if there are direct costs such as electricity or the depreciation of equipment dedicated to cryptocurrency mining activities, these should be tax deductible against the income received from the cryptocurrency mining business.”
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