not that long back ??????? maybe 10 years - maybe less this is...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    not that long back ??????? maybe 10 years - maybe less

    this is what came up atm - not much

    can't recall if my information came from the inside or not.

    ''There is no specific mention of the exact price of electricity supplied to Bell Bay from Hydro Tasmania. However, we can infer some relevant information:
    1. The pricing arrangement between Hydro Tasmania and Bell Bay Aluminium appears to be complex and subject to negotiations. In 2019, Rio Tinto (which owns Bell Bay Aluminium) was seeking a power price cut of more than 30% to keep the Bell Bay smelter operational[3].
    2. The pricing is likely influenced by factors such as aluminium prices and exchange rates. The search results indicate that both the dollar and aluminium prices had fallen in 2019, which affected the maximum prices Hydro Tasmania could charge the smelter for power[3].
    3. In 2016, during a period of low hydro storage and issues with the Basslink connection, Bell Bay Aluminium agreed to reduce its electricity consumption by 10% (30-40 MW) to help manage the energy situation in Tasmania. This suggests that there is some flexibility in the power supply agreement between Hydro Tasmania and Bell Bay Aluminium[4].
    4. The pricing arrangement appears to be confidential, as the specific details are not publicly disclosed in the available search results.
    Without more recent and specific information, it's not possible to provide the exact price of electricity supplied to Bell Bay from Hydro Tasmania. The pricing is likely subject to ongoing negotiations and may vary based on market conditions and other factors affecting both the aluminium industry and the energy sector in Tasmania.

    [3] https://www.copyright link/companie...p-30pc-off-smelter-power-bill-20191217-p53kuh
    [5] https://www.economicregulator.tas.g...lator - Energy in Tasmania Report 2020-21.pdf

    Different question -

    There is limited specific information about the contract price of power supplied to Bell Bay Aluminium smelter over the past 20 years. However, there are a few relevant details that can be extracted:
    1. As of 2019, Rio Tinto was seeking a power price cut of more than 30% for the Bell Bay aluminium smelter[2]. This suggests that the existing power contract at that time was considered too expensive for the smelter to remain competitive.
    2. The search results mention that the Bell Bay smelter's power contract with Hydro Tasmania, a state government-owned entity, was set to expire at the end of 2025[2]. This indicates that there was a long-term power supply agreement in place, though the specific terms are not provided.
    3. In 2012, there was a mention of a cut-price power deal to save jobs at the smelter[5]. While the exact price is not stated, this suggests that there was a renegotiation of power prices to keep the smelter operational.
    4. The Bell Bay Power Station Act 2004 is mentioned[4], which may have had implications for power supply agreements, though no specific pricing information is provided in the search results.
    It's important to note that the search results do not provide explicit contract prices or a comprehensive history of power pricing for Bell Bay over the past 20 years. The information available primarily focuses on more recent negotiations and challenges faced by the smelter due to high energy costs.

    [2] https://www.copyright link/companie...p-30pc-off-smelter-power-bill-20191217-p53kuh
    [3] Bay Powerfuels Project - Bell Bay - NOI.pdf
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