CSIRO was Wrong, page-140

  1. 86,374 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I think it's not a good idea as far as a business proposition goes.

    there certainly could be a case from a defence POV though - but, then, that's the case for pretty much any necessities

    but what is far more important than trying to win some shitty infant political points in knocking out ideas ------------ is to come up with ideas and concepts

    and stay well away from the idea of 'competing' with places like China - it's a footpath to a beating

    in a world where the 'competition' is China, USA, India, SEA etc etc --

    Oz has to think - and think very differently - I really don't see the point in being - one of the crowd --------- unless one is at some kind of check or choke point and one can clip a ticket on the way through - but, that's not all that easy

    the standout business to me - that was wide open available - (the window is closing a bit now, but there's probably still a lot of room for movement) -

    was for permanent nuclear waste storage -------- the whole world was crying for it and it was like Oz was purpose designed for it

    but, we chose not to ---------- I can't see anything that's as standout as that.

    Research is a way - but of course - if you hang onto it - it will be pinched - and not just by China either --------- the Americans are every bit as bad - perhaps worse.

    But, Ozzies do think very differently --------- when one travels, one can see that. Which means that idea generation - is different.

    What Australians badly miss is an education. I've been constantly surprised learning what French kids were taught and exposed to in their youth - decades back - through the 50's, 60's etc.

    I thought - maybe it was just me - maybe I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time - because my recollection of school is vastly different to what French kids had and have.

    Well, I've had a few long long long dribblies (drinks and nibblies) sessions with a Kiwi couple and myself and Fr partner lately. This Kiwi crew are well travelled, well educated, decades in very successful business -- and we got to talking about what we were exposed to as kids in schools etc -

    yep, they are of the same opinion. They are astounded at what kids get taught and exposed to here in comparison to in Oz (ok, I don't know what it's like now, but I'm going on what I knew of not too many years back).

    These people own a tv production company, and I've known for quite a while how involved in the industry they are and have been - and I'm seriously impressed - and I wondered just how they (he) got into it in the first place. Because I thought - yeah, I could have done that (ie. it sounded like fun) - but, where? How? how the hell would one have begun?

    and his answer was ----------- it was pure luck, right time, right place.

    He had a dreadful run at school in the later years - ended up driving trucks. It's a long story - but, after being pushed by family to 'do better' he looked at a profession or two - decided that he was making load more driving the truck.
    (he was fortunate to have a mate who had got a gig with some radio station and said that he should get into it, it was great, but he did nothing about it) - but, then on the way home from an interview to start with a profession (which he thought was ridiculous because of the money compared to driving the truck) - he was driving home - and went past a radio station - he said, oh bugger it and turned around - went back, walked in the door and said, he wanted a job, did they have anything

    and there he started. Over the years he produced programs, went into TV, started his own production company. Changed a few areas forever - and has been a raging success

    the point? ------- he lucked into it. He had no exposure, he had little education at that point.

    But, he thought differently - and he (and later with his partner) changed the way television is seen now, dramatically. A kiwi truck driver.

    For us - I think we've got to get a way for Oz to be backed to 'go differently'
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