it seems to me that the total downfall of energy security in...

  1. 86,495 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    it seems to me that the total downfall of energy security in Australia was when the idea of 'business can do better than government' came in - and things like power generation were taken from government and given to private enterprise

    we need to wake up -------------- things like power generation, public transport, public hospitals, welfare housing, education etc -

    lets face facts - they are better done by government and they SHOULD be done by government

    and ditch the 'do it cheap' cut cut cut stupidity -------------- take quality contractors - not lowest price - and INVEST for the nation

    it's not such a debate about nuke or no nuke - it's a debate about the collapse of a system from profiteering -----------

    a country needs a government to borrow, to invest, to have higher taxes - NOT lower - to grow a country into a nation -

    AND it needs smart people ------------ educated people. And to educate it's people well - it needs to at first, house them and feed them. And - do it well.

    Without it - we have the Mick and Ted shitshow from Walkabout Creek - which is precisely what we've got atm and it's failing ------- badly
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