Kat. Are you SERIOUS? Is that all you have??? Why are you...

  1. 184 Posts.

    Are you SERIOUS? Is that all you have??? Why are you nitpicking the silliest details?

    Like I've said before but you have probably failed to understand, the title of the thread really DOESN'T matter! Also, if you have read anything in here, THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING THIS FROM GETTING INTO THE VETERINARY MARKET! It is a SURE THING! Guess what!? It cures cancer in 75% of treated animals and significantly reduces tumours in the majority of the other 25%! Mate you would really be licking windows if you can't put that together!

    Your statement about ramping is RIDICULOUS. You're either against, for or neutral on a stock! So anyone posting information on a stock including detailed research is just a "ramper"? Are you serious? You really ask what's my involvement? Really? You don't have any idea???

    Oh I was wrong, there is another form of poster on HC, TROLLS.
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