cyclists are the new road bullies

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    I don't know how this bullying culture emerged amongst cyclists, but I have noticed over the last few years that, where cyclists and pedestrians mix the former,mainly the male variety, show very little respect for latter. I woudn't be surprised that, if figures are available, we would discover an inordinate number of pedestrians have been injured by cyclists who believe they have a god given right to any footpath that does not permit motor vehicles. Just a few examples of terrorist type behaviour gainst pedestrians by cyclists in Melbourne:

    - on crossing a (very narrow)bridge on the Yarra track I was nearly pushed to the ground by a passing cyclist whio then spat forth a multitude of abuse;

    - on travelling, once again, on the Yarra track, with my daughter on the way to Dights Falls I was nearly knocked to the ground by a cyclist who was riding as if he was at a velodrome.When I protested about his behaviour, a spate of abuse emanated from his orifce, and, on his return for a few seconds I could have sworn he was directing his bike directlty at my person.Probably,because there were numerous people within easy vicinity, he did not proceed with his intended thuggery;

    - at the Chinese festival on the Yarra last year,whilst walkin slowly along the shared footpath, and beacuse of all the Chinese food stalls, we were all cramed into a small space, an elderly gentleman accidentally (he was being pushed from behind by the crowd) lightly touched the rear wheel of a young 'lady's bicycle.Once again, the level of abuse was totally out of proportion to the accident and I felt, at one stage, that I would need to intervene on the gentleman's beahalf, but fortunately the wheight of the crowd behind us forced us to move on.

    How has this bullying culture developed amongst cyclists?The fact hat they are not always treated with respect by motorists is no excuse for such disgraceful behaviour.

    A code of conduct is urgently needed to bring these bullies to heel, and the introduction of registration of all bicycles is well overdue.The Councils responsible for the Yarra track should take urgent steps to install more signs designating the pedestrian and cyclist paths and the need for cyclists to take care when they past pedestrians and, most of all, to infornm them (especially those wearing lycra!) that this is NOT a racing track!

    Do people from other States have the same problem with this ever rising tide of 'rogue' cyclists?
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