ZIP 0.00% $2.44 zip co limited..

Haha ok sure, if you're reading between lines that...

  1. 9 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Haha ok sure, if you're reading between lines that don't exist thsts your prerogative, as i stated it was a simple question based on sentiment. As a fellow holder i want this to grow as we all do. It was simply a cautious question based on the fact that much larger hokders than us will attempt to push it down, as they have been. Its simply a matter of by how much.

    Scepticism doesn't look good on you. Instead how about we (and by we i mean you) try to encourage and help as opposed to having a go at a fellow holder who wants the same growth outcome as you do.

    Anyone have sonething CONSTRUCTIVE to add or is the theme of keyboard warrior the going rate around here?
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$2.57 $2.63 $2.42 $102.8M 41.10M

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26 249618 $2.43

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$2.44 114533 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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