CXY 0.00% 0.3¢ cougar energy limited

This was from one of their promos, so they didn't mention the...

  1. 233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    This was from one of their promos, so they didn't mention the name, but seems clear that it's LNC.

    Good hype of UCG technology though:

    Dear Reader,

    On the surface, there’s nothing special about Chinchilla – population 6,143.

    You’ll find it’s like any other nice stopover on your way to the Outback...

    Classic main street with a pub, Historical Museum and a couple of bed and breakfasts... a windmill turning lazily in the breeze... a fading sign saying “Melon Capital of Australia”.

    But beneath the surface – about 130m beneath – Chinchilla hides a secret that could shape Australia’s energy future... and make a few early investors like you very rich, very quick.

    My colleagues and I call this secret the ‘Black Leaf Project’.

    It’s a world-changing energy experiment being carried out by one tiny company – and ‘unofficially’ sanctioned by the Australian government.

    You won’t find any obvious signs of this project around Chinchilla.

    No barbed wire. No ‘Restricted Area’ signs. Just a few small crews working around the clock to bring a very special underground facility online in 2008.

    Once fully operational, this facility will pump out 20,000 barrels a day of diesel.

    What’s so special about that, you ask?


    This diesel WON’T be made from oil.

    Just think about that for a second...

    At the time of writing, oil prices are hovering around $135 a barrel – that’s ten times more expensive than ten years ago. Australian pump prices have now hit $1.65 a litre. Caltex says that could go as high as $3.34 a litre sometime next decade.

    Imagine a proven way to refine 100% pure diesel without a SINGLE DROP of crude!

    You’d be sitting on a goldmine, right?

    No wonder Resources Minister Martin Ferguson recently called the ‘Black Leaf Project’ “a very exciting development at the cutting edge of energy science and technology, and I wish the company every success in scaling up to commercial volumes.”

    What company is he talking about?

    How has this obscure outfit managed to achieve the seemingly impossible?

    And how can YOU position yourself to profit from the ‘Black Leaf Project’ today... before it goes commercial… simply by buying one $3.39 stock?

    You’ll find the answers below.

    I’ve written this report to tell you all about the ‘Black Leaf Project’, and the tiny Australian small cap stock that controls it. Even if you’ve never bought a stock before, I urge you to read it carefully. I’ve spent over a decade scouring dozens of countries for that elusive ‘big payday’ investment... and I can honestly say, I think I’ve just found it.

    This stock will cost you just $3.39 to buy today. But as you’ll see, we believe investors could be happily and greedily snapping up these shares for as much as $17.25 just 24 months from now.

    That’s a potential 335% return if you act quickly on this.

    And that’s not all.

    I’m also going to introduce you to two more closely-linked ‘Black Leaf’ stocks that we believe could skyrocket as this story hits the mainstream. For reasons I’ll explain in a moment, each of these profit plays has gone almost wholly unnoticed by big-time investors. Each could return triple-digit gains.

    But time is short. This story is moving fast. These stocks are bargains now, but they won’t remain that way for long.

    So let me give you the full details. . .

    The ‘Black Leaf Project’ REVEALED

    Fuel Price to DOUBLE
    AGAIN Next Decade?

    Australia is running on empty.

    We have about 8 years of oil reserves left. That’s why we’re importing more of the stuff than ever before. By 2015 we’re looking at a trade deficit in oil of $27 billion – up from just $4 billion in 2005.

    Fuel prices are already topping $1.60 a litre at some pumps. But oil industry insiders are saying even this is a bargain!

    Due to higher crude costs, global refining shortages and the introduction of carbon costs by the Government, Caltex believes we’re staring down the barrel of $3 fuel within the decade!

    Oil is scarce and expensive, and will remain so.

    But there’s one resource that’s still cheap... and Australia has loads of it.

    In fact there’s enough to last over 600 years at current rates of consumption... coal.
    There are more than 42 BILLION tonnes of coal left in Australia – and it’s now more valuable than ever.

    "We understand consumers may be upset about the prospect of long-term higher prices in Australia. However, it is a prospect we all have to face...

    “The energy outlook we face should be a concern to everyone.”
    -- Desmond King, chief executive of Caltex Australia

    Two problems though...

    First, standard coal can’t power cars or aeroplanes. Second, coal is dirty.

    But here’s the thing...

    What if you could turn Australia’s abundant, uneconomical and dirty coal reserves into diesel fuel?

    Even better, what if this ‘coal diesel’ was:

    40% cleaner than regular diesel – with less carbon, sulphur, mercury and particulate emissions
    10% lighter than conventional diesel – meaning better efficiency and cheaper transport costs
    Refined in the coal seam itself – no need to purchase, transport, store or prepare coal.
    Could be used in standard diesel cars, trucks and even planes – no modification required
    Cost just US$24 per barrel to produce – less than a quarter of the cost of an unrefined barrel of crude oil!
    All that sounds too good to be true, right?

    Don’t bet on it!

    Not only has one small Australian firm already perfected this process...they’re about to bring over 20,000 barrels a day of this revolutionary new fuel to market!

    We call this bold ‘green coal-diesel’ venture the ‘Black Leaf Project’.

    The Surat Basin News reported in March this year that the outcome “will soon reverberate in the energy markets of the world.”

    The Australian says it’s “a project that could dramatically change Australia’s energy future.”

    The Brisbane Times said on May 12 it could help to “generate up to $600 million for the Queensland economy each year.”

    And right now you have an opportunity to jump in on the ground floor.

    Let me show you why...

    20,000 Barrels a Day of ‘Clean Diesel’ –
    for the Next 60 Years

    The ‘Black Leaf Project’ began with little fanfare back in July 1999.

    It had two goals:

    To prove it could turn underground coal deposits into gas (called syngas)... then turn that gas into ultra-clean diesel. And,
    To become the first company in the world to repeat this process on a commercial scale – cleanly, safely, efficiently and, most of all, profitably.
    When the ‘Black Leaf Project’ kicked off, energy insiders scoffed.

    They’re not laughing now.

    In fact The Australian reported on March 18, 2008 that the ‘Black Leaf Project’ is now “causing some discomfort” for Queensland’s coal seam methane producers.

    You can see why. Take a look at how close this Australian company is to pulling off this world energy first...

    PHASE 1: Demonstrate the coal-to-gas technology works. COMPLETE

    The first task was to demonstrate the technical viability of turning coal into gas underground. For the first 30 months, the ‘Black Leaf Project’ successfully gasified nearly 32,000 tons of coal. That’s more than any other similar trial in the world.

    A technical report by top engineering company Shedden Uhde stated: “The process appears to be technically feasible with no technical barriers...”

    A similar report by Golder Associates said: “The process displayed high efficiency and consistency in providing gas of stable quality and quantity.”

    PHASE 2: Acquire enough coal deposits to run a full-scale ‘coal-to-diesel’ refinery for the next half-century. COMPLETE

    Before it could go any further, the project needed to ensure it had enough coal to make the whole thing feasible. According to a recent JORC-compliant resource statement, the ‘Black Leaf Project’ has just acquired 410 million tons of coal within a 30km radius of the planned facility.

    This will satisfy a 50 to 60-year lifespan for the plant, pumping out 20,000 barrels a day of ultra-clean diesel.

    PHASE 3: Commission a ‘Pilot Plant’ that turns coal into diesel. COMPLETE

    Final Stage of Pilot Plant Construction,
    November 2007

    The 10-week commissioning phase of a pilot facility is due to be completed in July of 2008. Australia’s first ever ‘coal-to-diesel’ facility will be FULLY OPERATIONAL and producing ultra-clean, sulphur-free diesel from coal.

    What’s more, this diesel costs just $24 a barrel to produce! Compare that to the triple digit price of UNREFINED crude oil, and the explosive profit potential is plain to see.

    PHASE 4: Commission a commercial plant and put 20,000 barrels a day of ‘clean coal-diesel’ into the open market. IN PROGRESS

    The demonstration facility is expected to run for the next two to three years. But the company behind the ‘Black Leaf Project’ isn’t waiting around. They’ve seen enough... they know the technology works... and they plan to erect a commercial plant that can pump out 20,000 barrels a day as soon as possible.

    Initial designs are complete. According to the project’s managing director: “We’re not relying on the demonstration as proof before we build the commercial plant.”

    He also says...

    “As more and more people begin to realise that [this project] has the potential to produce very high quality diesel and jet fuel from coal at a low cost point with a low carbon footprint, the potential of such a company and what it offers will become obvious to all.”

    And he’s not wrong.

    Word about this new technology is starting to spread...

    “The technology to turn that coal into fuel for cars, homes and factories is proven. And at current prices, it could be at the vanguard of a big, new industry.”
    -- The New York Times

    This truly is a breakthrough that’s going to set the standard for clean energy for the next ten years or more.

    “When it comes to coal, we have over 600 years of known reserves. That is why it is so important for us to get clean coal technology right and to look at converting some of our gas and coal to transport fuels like clean diesel.”

    -- Resources Minister Martin Ferguson
    Think about it again for a second. Diesel that’s 40% cleaner... 75% cheaper... and made from vast coal reserves, right here in Australia!

    You can see why the Australian government is backing this small company.

    They’ve designated the ‘Black Leaf Project’ as “significant”, with Queensland Premier Anna Bligh
    saying it could...

    “...reduce Australia's dependence on imported oil and produce lower greenhouse gas emissions than a conventional coal-fired power station.”

    But, on the whole, this story has yet to hit the mainstream,

    Listen, this stock has been steadily inching up since I first discovered it in 2007. But at the time of writing, you can still pick up shares in this company for less than $3.50.

    I believe that’s INSANELY cheap. In fact even if you got in on this stock at $10, I think you'd be getting a bargain. Here’s why...

    At peak production, the ‘Black Leaf Project’ will produce around 6 million barrels of ultra low sulphur diesel per year. New York Harbour Ultra Low Sulphur diesel futures contracts are currently US $119.35 per barrel.

    That means one year of plant operations at peak capacity, getting today’s market price for diesel, would produce around $716 million in gross revenue.

    Right now the company reckons annual operating costs are around $100 million a year.

    That’s an Astounding $617 million Clear Annual Profit!

    Just imagine what will happen to this valuation of this $3.39 stock when that kind of money starts coming in!

    According to the project’s head, the only thing needed before the ‘Black Leaf Project’ goes commercial is a final engineering study of the 20,000 bpd plant. This will be completed by Christmas 2008.

    He says:

    “When the commercial side is operating in 24 months, we will be producing syngas to turn oil to diesel; that’s where the big bang for the buck is for us.”

    And for you... if you act quickly on this...

    We believe this could be the next coal small cap to follow in the footsteps of Queensland-based McArthur Coal... a stock that currently sells for $17 which you could have picked up for under $2 in 2004...

    In fact I calculate – based on revenue projections, current valuation and an oil price above $100 – that this stock could hit $17.25 if the ‘Black Leaf Project’ hits its targets in the next 24 months.

    That’s a 335% return on today’s price

    You don’t need to be a big-shot investor to know that’s a once-in-a-lifetime return.

    And the fact is this is a conservative estimate.

    Goldman Sachs has just predicted $200 oil by 2010. If that happens, you can DOUBLE that return to 1,016%.

    So, is this a ‘sure-thing’ investment?

    No, I can’t promise you that. I’ve been in this game long enough to know the stock market doesn’t come with guarantees. That’s why the potential returns are so good.

    But if you’re willing to take a calculated risk with a small bit of capital in order to reap a MASSIVE potential reward, I believe you won’t find a better small cap stock anywhere in the world.

    If you want to take maximum advantage, though, you need to act now.

    I've been tracking the ‘Black Leaf Project’ – and the company that owns the rights to it – for the last 10 months. I’ve poured over the balance sheets, grilled the management, studied the science and ticked of each small milestone so far.

    Over that time, this stock has already gone from just 63 cents to $3.39.

    But that’s nothing compared to the gains still on offer.

    And I’ve put everything I’ve learnt into an exclusive (and free) report. This report also outlines one more small Australian company I believe will benefit from the ‘clean coal rush’ that’s sweeping the country.

    Both these stocks can be bought for around $3. But if things take off as we predict, they could be the best two investments you ever make. And you’ll need only a very small stake in each to have the potential for a huge payoff.

    Even if you’ve never played the stock market, I urge you to download your free copy immediately. I’ll show you how to do it in a second. First...

    Let Me Introduce Myself. . .

    My name is Dan Denning. You might have come across my analysis in The Daily Reckoning e-letter, which is read by over 500,000 people worldwide.

    Dan Denning founded and edited the financial newsletter Penny Stock Fortunes in 1998 and edited Strategic Investment, from 2000 to 2006. Via his high-level, macro-economic and stock-market forecasts in these newsletters, he led over 35,000 subscribers in 70 countries to profits.

    Dan’s analysis for The Daily Reckoning is read by more than 500,000 people regularly. Dan is also a regular columnist for MoneyWeek, a London financial publication.

    In 2002 Dan spent a year observing U.S. markets from Paris before relocating to the London offices of Fleet Street Publications. In 2004 Dan spent six months travelling the globe in search of investment opportunities. This trek resulted in the New York Times bestseller, The Bull Hunter (John Wiley & Sons).

    Dan's latest project has him currently residing in Australia where he pens the small cap newsletter, The Australian Small Cap Investigator and The Daily Reckoning Australia. He is also a contributing editor to the Australian resource investing publication, Diggers & Drillers.

    For ten years I’ve helped investors from all walks of life – in over 70 countries – make money from uncommon investment opportunities.

    Back in 2004 I took a six-month sabbatical from my newsletter Strategic Investment, and embarked on a round-the-world search for the biggest money-making trends on the planet.

    Two things resulted from this trip...

    First, I got a book out of it, the New York Times best-seller, The Bull Hunter.

    Second, as soon as I got back, I booked a one-way ticket to Melbourne.

    And I’ve been here ever since.

    Why the move?

    Because something truly special is taking place here in Australia... something that’s BIGGER than the dotcom boom… the exploding Chinese economy… the current “crunch” in credit...

    Frankly, I’ve seen nothing like it.

    If you get on the right side of this trend now, you stand to make a tonne of money.

    Let me quickly show you what I mean...

    Australia: The World’s Resource
    and Energy Supermarket!

    The world economy is slowing. The credit crunch has the markets spooked. And many investors are uncertain what’s going to happen next.

    But here’s the weird thing...

    Usually, in times like this, it’s the big, high-yielding defensive stocks that do well.

    That’s what’s happening on the American and British stock markets.

    But the exact opposite is happening here in Australia right now.

    From small resources companies to alternative energy start-ups, the news just keeps getting better in the Australian small cap world.

    Small caps are generally defined as stocks ranked outside the top 100 on the ASX, based on market capitalisation and liquidity.

    And right now – despite the doom and gloom – a special group of Australian small caps are EXPLODING in price.


    One word: resources.

    Australia has vast amounts of what the rest of the world desperately needs – coal, uranium and natural gas... iron ore, gold, copper, lead and zinc...

    According to The Australian in May, we’re in the midst of a “continuous mining boom”.

    And it’s having a BIZZARE effect on Aussie stocks!

    Get this...

    In the past year, the five worst-performing Australian stocks in the All Ordinaries were all big, mostly financial stocks that had nothing to do with the resources market – Centro Properties Group, down 96%, Allco Finance Group, down 95%, Commander Communications, down 94%, Credit Corp, down 92% and Life Therapeutics, down 89%.

    On the other hand...

    The best performers have been mining small caps – with Mount Gibson Iron up 405%, Midwest Corp up 355%, Fortescue Metals Group up 351%, Riversdale Mining up 322% and Aquila Resources 245%.

    Just one single week in May saw four iron ore juniors leap in price – Aurox Resources by 24%, Gindalbie Metals 21%, BC Iron 18% and Brockman Resources 13%!

    Oil and coal small caps are thriving too – Tap Oil recently jumped 28% in a month... coal miner New Hope has risen 135% in 12 months... coal seam methane producer Santos put on 80% in 12 months... if you’d bought Felix Resources a year ago you’d be sitting on a 272% gain.

    "We can't see a bust because the commodities we have are the ones that China needs -- copper, zinc, iron ore, zircon."

    -- Executive director of Primary Industries and Resources SA, Paul Heithersay

    My point is this...

    It doesn’t matter what the wider market does. As long as China and the world need Australian natural resources, a select few small Australian companies will continue to get rich.

    And so can YOU... if you can pick the right ones
    to invest in, at the right time...

    Birthplace of the Index-Crushers

    I’ve covered small cap companies the world over, from Baltimore, London and Paris.

    But I’ve never seen as much profit opportunity on one index, at one time.

    Don’t get me wrong. Identifying the real winners is just as tough. Over $53 BILLION is being pumped into the Australian resources sector this year alone. That kind of money attracts its fair share of cowboy companies. Probably only 15% of start-ups end up making a profit... and only 1% end up getting REALLY big.

    But if you can locate just a couple of these companies, you’re looking at the investment gains of a lifetime.

    Take Fortescue Metals Group...

    Fortescue shares only listed in 2003, at 22 cents each.

    At the time, this plucky iron ore miner was the smallest of small caps.

    Not anymore.

    Today, thanks to some canny acquisitions and smart deals with China, Fortescue is now the third biggest iron ore stock, by market cap, in Australia. Its founder Andrew Forrest is now worth $7 billion... and in December 2007 he overtook James Packer to become Australia’s richest man.

    But he isn't the only one laughing all the way to the bank...

    Early owners of Fortescue shares are laughing too.

    The stock rose 6-fold in 2007 alone. If you’d invested just $5,000 when the share listed in 2003 – you’d now be a millionaire.

    And you know the really tantalising thing?

    There are more ‘future Fortescues’ out there right now... just waiting to be bought for peanuts.

    That’s what brought me to Australia.

    See, no one’s even heard of these stocks on Wall Street or Canary Wharf. They’re not the kind of stocks your broker will want you to buy. You won’t see these brand names splashed over billboards as you drive to work. Nor will you read about them on the front page of the Australian Financial Review or the cover of BusinessWeek.

    But as I’ll prove to you, it's these smaller, unknown companies... selling at bargain share prices... that can make help you towards creating a whole, full second income from your investments.

    I believe the company behind the ‘Black Leaf Project’ – which I’ll tell you all about in a free report I’ve just compiled – is one such company.

    Here’s another. . .

    Snatch Up these ‘Dry Coal’ Pioneers Before
    They Ink a 10-Plant Deal with China

    "The world is going to be heavily reliant on coal, much more than people think. Alternative sources of energy could be important, but they can't fill the gap created by coal.

    "If you accept that, you have to figure out a way to make coal better."

    This quote comes from the head of the next visionary, NSW-based small cap I want to introduce you to.

    They’ve perfected a technique called “binderless coal briquetting” (BCB). Don’t worry if you’ve not heard of it... most people in the energy industry haven’t yet.

    But that’s about to change...

    BCB is a brand new way to suck all the moisture out of coal – bringing the particles closer together. The end result is a sort of ‘super-coal’ that:

    Is higher in energy content

    Is lighter (and cheaper) to transport

    Is MUCH cleaner to burn, with lower ash and sulphur emissions

    It works on water-logged, lower quality coals. After the moisture is taken out, you end up with compact, light, high-energy bricks...

    The technology is proven. And this company has the IP and patents locked up airtight.

    But will it work on a commercial scale?

    Mining giant BHP Billiton seems to think so. It signed a $42 million deal with this company in 2007. That’s no small sum. It shows that some of the world’s top energy experts believe BCB could unlock Australian coal’s vast potential as a cleaner source of abundant, low-cost electricity.

    That’s not all...

    In January this year, investment bank UBS became a substantial shareholder in this ‘dry coal’ company, acquiring 6,319,331shares.

    One of the world’s biggest hedge fund managers doesn’t take a $289m gamble unless it knows there’s big return on the cards.

    There’s an even bigger reason to buy this small cap stock now...

    The main benefit of BCB is that it increases the energy content of low-grade, ‘sub-bituminous’ coal. China has VAST deposits of this ‘low-grade’ coal. Previously these deposits were of little use. Now, with BCB, they’re hot property.

    For this reason, this Aussie small cap is now in negotiations with China’s Datang International Power Company to build not one but ten BCB plants in Inner Mongolia.

    How I spot stocks that can triple your money
    in months…

    Not every small company has a bright future ahead of it. That’s why each stock needs to be passed through a rigorous filtration process before I even think of tipping it to my readers. I don’t have anywhere near enough space to explain all my criteria in this report, but here’s a brief taste:

    1. Do I FULLY understand the business? First off, I need to know exactly what makes a business tick. This has got nothing to do with charts and graphs. I talk to people... I go to industry functions… absorb facts and figures... get a real, genuine understanding for the company’s core activity. Whenever possible, I pay a personal visit. Only when I feel I know a company’s core business inside out do I ask…

    2. Do I TRUST the guys at the top? Really good management is like absolute gold, and when I come across a company that has it, I recognise it immediately. Even more important is to screen for BAD management. Right now there are hundreds of company directors in Australia who have been involved in several company failures. I also want to know if a director owns shares in the company (bad news if he doesn’t… GREAT news if he’s buying)… whether he has a good track record in the past… and whether he’s been topping up his salary ‘through the backdoor’ so to speak.

    3. Am I looking at a future household name? Is this small retailer one day going to have outlets in every major shopping mall in Australia? Will the drug just patented by this Perth-based pharmaceutical company soon be in every pharmacy in the world? Is this iron-ore producer, on the brink of bankruptcy just a few years back, about to become a global player because of the current resources boom? Remember: the beauty of the perfect small cap is it has almost infinite room for expansion.

    4. Do the numbers stack up? Hardly exciting stuff, but you simply cannot underestimate the importance of old-fashioned number-crunching in identifying good small stocks. No matter how great a company’s product or service is… no matter how adept their PR company at spinning a compelling story or promising a stellar future… the balance sheet doesn’t lie.

    I’ll send you a complete rundown on how I identify my picks – for free – as part of the introductory package you can claim at the end of this report.

    If that happens, this $2.50 stock will almost certainly go through the roof.

    To get in on the ground floor on this, you need to act right away. And to help you do it, I'd like you to have access to my recent report FREE of charge, immediately.

    It’s called 2 Aussie Stocks Leading the Global ‘Clean Coal Rush’.

    And it’s yours to keep, with my compliments.

    The only thing I ask in return is that you take a no-risk trial subscription to a very special monthly investment newsletter, called Australian Small Cap Investigator...

    Own 2009’s Star
    Companies – TODAY

    Australian Small Cap Investigator’s aim is simple...

    To lead you straight to the undiscovered, unloved and under-priced small cap stocks destined to rise 30%, 80% even 500% when they’re finally noticed by the investment ‘herd’.

    See, Australian small caps are probably among the LEAST covered stocks on the planet. Even locally, major brokerage firms and institutions don’t have the money or manpower to cover all the small firms and start-ups on the Australian stock market.

    Whereas a company like BHP, Telstra or News Corp might have 30 analysts from various investment houses following its every move, some smaller companies here have only one analyst or even none.

    Even if the big guys DO identify a small cap that’s going places, they can’t invest… there just aren’t enough shares to buy for the kind of cash they have to disperse.

    That’s why, apart from a few small cap fund management ‘boutiques’, the big investors are restricted to the large cap market only.

    And that’s GREAT news for switched-on private investors.

    This means we have an excellent chance at identifying under-priced bargains in the lower end of the market… shares trading for virtually nothing… great investments which are ignored by the big shots like a drunk uncle at a wedding!

    As we’ve seen over the last year with resources and energy small caps – the cream always rises to the top.

    A good company will get discovered eventually.

    It’s my aim to ensure Australian Small Cap Investigator readers have already bought the bargain… long before the blokes at Macquarie, UBS, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs spot a good deal.

    Small Cap Investing Made Easy

    The secret to uncovering highly-profitable stocks is DIGGING… and then digging some more.

    That means poring over a company's accounts until your eyes ache, analysing markets, researching products and services, assessing p/e and P/EG ratios, keeping track of what the fund managers are up to... the list goes on.

    But when I say "you," I really mean me... ­because when you start reading Australian Small Cap Investigator, YOU won't have to figure out what it means to be a good company or read an annual report or decipher a balance sheet or scrutinise marketing plans.

    Based on my in-depth research, I'll tell you what the good companies are and why.

    Since I don't receive one single cent from any recommendation I make… and I don’t have to bow down to any advertisers at all… you can trust that my stock picks are the unbiased best. I have no hidden agenda. Unlike many financial ‘advisors’, I don’t receive kick-backs for pushing a particular company’s stock price or raising their profile.

    I simply have a passion for small stocks… one I’d like to share with you today...

    Test Australian Small Cap Investigator – Risk-Free

    Every month, you will receive a full, in-depth report on a company we’ve identified as the very best small cap on the Australian market.

    I'll explain why I believe it’s a quick-profit opportunity. I'll tell you what the risks and rewards are. I'll tell you when to get in, and what I’ve calculated as a realistic target price.

    Listen, I don’t promise that all my small cap picks will be winners.

    This is not ‘bet-your-retirement-fund’ investing – the fact that small caps can shoot up so high means there’s added risk. These are often young firms with ambitious plans. Sometimes their business models are completely untested.

    What I’ll be searching out for you each month are small, unknown companies with a BIG chance to grow in earnings, profit and share price – very quickly. At the moment, nearly all these companies are coming from the resources and alternative energy industries.

    I have my best current picks waiting for you now in 2 Aussie Stocks Leading the Global ‘Clean Coal Rush’.

    Simply take up a 3-month trial of my Australian Small Cap Investigator and you can download it immediately... and for free. You’ll hear all about the company behind the ‘Black Leaf Project’, plus the $2.50 ‘dry coal’ play. I believe both with be top-performers over the next 12 to 24 months.

    Take a look at the free recommendations. Study the analysis.

    If you’re not ready to invest yet, that’s fine.

    Caution never hurt anyone. Just paper trade your tips during the 3-month trial

    If, after watching the shares progress, you don't think you’ll at least double your gains on each of the 3 recommendations… then I'll refund every last cent of your newsletter subscription.

    No questions asked.

    If I'm wrong, you haven’t lost a cent of your subscription fee. And you also get to keep everything I’ve sent you with my compliments.

    If I’m right, I’m hoping you’ll stay on as a regular subscriber and join me in plundering lesser-known smaller companies for a string of 30%, 50% even 300% profits! But here’s something you might be wondering…

    What Will You Pay Should You
    Decide to Stick Around?

    Yes, there is a fee for this service.

    Remember, this fee is fully refundable at any time during your 3 months trial.

    Regardless, I think you’ll be amazed how small it is.

    The full deal is a very reasonable $199 per year.

    Let me put that into context for you: I KNOW some fund managers who charge that PER HOUR for consultancy… My unique consultancy works out at about 55 cents a day.

    Listen, I’m not going to beat around the bush here…

    Dollar for dollar, this is the best small cap research you’ll find in Australia.

    In fact I can honestly say there’s not an investment advisory I know of – here or abroad – that offers this level of ‘outside-the-mainstream’ investment advice at such a low cost.

    That price includes a monthly newsletter – eight illuminating pages filled with our latest winning picks; in-depth analysis; summary of why these stocks should be added to your portfolio; guest essays on small cap investing from my contacts here and around the world; plus updates on our current holdings, with clear BUY, SELL and HOLD recommendations; and more...

    You’ll also receive a weekly email update every Friday afternoon where I pass on time-sensitive tips, developments or changes to your holdings, plus any ‘wine bar whispers’ I hear that might be pertinent to your investments.

    I can say with complete confidence you won’t get this level of investment intelligence for anywhere near this price anywhere else in Australia.

    When you consider that we believe the company behind the ‘Black Leaf Project’ alone has the potential to make you 335% or more in the next 24 months... that $199 seems like a pretty good deal.

    But that’s the full official subscription.

    My publishers have kindly allowed me to offer you a first year price of just $99 because you are a Daily Reckoning Reader. That's a full $100 off the regular price.

    That’s right. Reply within the week, and ALL the profitable information outlined in this report is yours for less than the cost of dinner for two at a half-decent restaurant. So let me ask you now…

    Would YOU be Willing to Spend Just $1.90 a Week For Tips That Could Help You Build a Small Cap Fortune?

    And remember, it’s on a complete “money-back-if-you’re-not-satisfied” basis.

    Even though I’m almost giving away our information and analysis at $99, I want you to test it out before you make any decision.

    Claim your 3-month trial subscription today and I’ll send you three issues of Australian Small Cap Investigator to test with no obligation.

    If you’re not completely satisfied with both the issues and your free report, just let us know inside this time and I’ll personally see to it that your subscription is refunded promptly and in full.

    Again, no questions asked. Everything… all your issues and the free report… are yours to hold onto regardless.

    But that’s not all you’ll get to keep should you take up my invitation today…

    4 More Special Free Reports that Lift the Lid on Some
    of Australia's Best-Kept Small Cap Secrets

    Sign up for a 3-month trial of Australian Small Cap Investigator, and I’ll also rush you a second, just-published investment report – free of charge.

    We take you into undiscovered frontiers of the Australian resource and energy boom - where you'll discover several more small companies we believe will be top-performers on the ASX over the next 24 months.

    These companies are not widely followed by the mainstream investment community.

    Each of these them is a speculative investment... but each holds the potential to grow 500% to 1,000%, or more, in very short time.

    Reply today and you’ll get details on:

    More Strategic than Oil: The Secret "Mt Weld Motherlode"
    Oil is not the only "strategic commodity." There are others, some I'm willing to bet you've never heard of. Yet these rare and obscure resources play a vital role in the modern economy. They make high-tech electronics possible. And they are key ingredients in many new emerging energy technologies.

    And many of them are VERY rare. But here's the good news for in-the-know Australian investors...

    At the base of Mt. Weld in Western Australia lies an ore body that will play a key role in the Green Revolution and beyond. The rare earths that lie in the ground there are a bonanza for the small Australian company that owns them.

    In this special report, you'll get everything you need to know about this company. I'll also tell you how this small cap plans to compete with China. China is the "Saudi Arabia" of rare earths. It has a whopping 95% of the known reserves in the world.

    But our tiny Aussie revelation has a secret weapon. The man at the helm used to work for China, Inc. He knows their ways as well as any Australian. And he believes his $1.33 stock may be on the verge of a record run. Find out all the details in your FREE report More strategic than Oil: The secret "Mt Weld Motherlode".

    Tap into Australia’s ‘Fossil Beach’ Mineral Boom
    Picture Australia 39 million years ago. Your favourite beach isn’t where you find it today. In fact it doesn’t even exist yet. It’s deep underwater off the coast of a country shaped much differently than today’s Australia.

    But on this ancient Australia’s beaches, you’ll find the waves crashing into the shore in the same methodical way they do today. Look closely, and you’ll also see the formation of a massive future profit opportunity.

    Essentially, these ancient “fossil beaches” – scattered across Australia – have left what geologists call “strandlines”. They can stretch for nearly 50km in length. And they’re dense with the kind of minerals that are in hot demand the world over – zircon, ilmenite and rutile. Some estimates say Australia’s fossil beaches contain enough of these minerals to fuel current global demand for 40 years.

    We’ve identified a tiny stock we believe will be Australia’s mineral sands leader in 2009 and 2010. It’s quietly accumulated over 2,100 km of tenements of mineral sands in the North Perth Basin.

    But here’s the best part... in late March, the company announced they’ve isolated 1,100km of shallow phosphate sands. Rock phosphate prices were $US50 a year ago. They’re closer to $US200 now.

    This could be the purest mineral play in the world right now... and you can still buy stock for under $1.50.

    Aussie Sun-Chasers Make ‘Nano-Solar’ Breakthrough
    It’s possibly the biggest alternative energy breakthrough in history: A brand new solar technology – one that is smaller... cheaper... and far, far more efficient than anything that has gone before.

    First and second generation solar cells make electricity at the cost of a US$4 per watt. This technology will slash that cost to $2. Its emergence is predicted to help the solar industry grow from US$11 billion in 2005 to $51 billion by 2015, according to clean-tech research firm Clean Edge Inc.

    And guess what? One off-the-radar New South Wales-based company is leading the way. They’ve perfected a lighter, cheaper, ‘nano-solar’ panel that can be built directly into the roof or walls of a building. That means the structure itself becomes a net energy generator over its lifetime.

    But the ‘money-point’ is this: It leads to solar power costing just $2 per watt cost of electricity generated. A 100% increase in efficiency.

    Google Finance says these Australians are “the first in the world to manufacture” this technology. And yet – at the time of writing – these guys are still trading on the Australian Stock Exchange for well under $2 a share!

    The “Energy Cupboard” that Will Slash Power Bills in Half
    I first laid eyes on this cupboard-like contraption last year, when I toured a very special company’s factories in Melbourne. Presently there are only three of these inventions in the world... but all that’s about to change.

    Locked inside this cupboard is a way to make electricity by combining air and hydrogen… it’s called a solid oxide fuel cell. Now I know that fuel cells are normally associated with powering cars... but this one is different. It's for the home.

    I’m not going to bore you with all the technical details here. But I'm not exaggerating when I say this: when someone manages to bring one of these things to market, they will change the way we buy and use energy – FOREVER.

    As Scientific American Magazine puts it: “…Not just homes but shops, small businesses, hotels, apartment buildings and possibly factories may all be powered in the same way: by fuel cells in the range of five to 500 kilowatts.”

    The company I’m itching to tell you about has just three working solid oxide fuel cell cupboards at the moment. They’ve been put through over 10,000 hours of rigorous testing by energy utilities in Australia, New Zealand and Germany. Now the testing period is OVER. And MASS-PRODUCTION is about to begin.

    Make no mistake...

    This batch of small cap stocks could easily be some of the best undiscovered profit opportunities on the planet right now.

    Just like 2 Aussie Stocks Leading the Global ‘Clean Coal Rush’, all four of these Special Reports are yours for free, just for giving Australian Small Cap Investigator a try.

    And that’s not all...

    3 More FREE Gifts to Make You a
    Smarter and Richer Investor

    As if this invitation wasn’t sweet enough, my publisher has also kindly included THREE FREE GIFTS just for trying Australian Small Cap Investigator…

    FREE GIFT 1. How to Buy and Sell Shares For Profit. This concise guide answers the most common questions beginner investors have about buying and selling shares. You'll learn how to place orders with your broker... which type of brokerage is right for you... the importance of using limit orders... how much to invest... three ways to reduce tax on your profits, and much more. Even experienced traders will find something of interest in this valuable resource.

    FREE GIFT 2. Access to low-cost dealing services and your first share trade for FREE. We'll send you details of easy-to-use share dealing services that are cheaper than most services you'll find. You'll be able to buy and sell your shares over the phone or Internet in a matter of seconds, with the peace of mind that I've carefully screened these services for you. Just so you can try them out for yourself, your first trade, and every tenth trade thereafter, will be absolutely free!

    FREE GIFT 3: Free subscription to Money Morning, Australia’s leading daily stock market e-letter. Wake up each morning to a short list of “must-know” information for your stock market strategies. This is share price data and market intelligence you need to know before you can really begin your financial day.

    Money Morning is designed for the serious investors who can’t afford to waste time reading mediocre or unimportant investment research. You’ll receive it absolutely free with your subscription to Australian Small Cap Investigator.

    All of these gifts are yours to keep for free, whether you decide to continue your subscription after your three-month trial or not.

    Really, if you’re looking for a new way to make money, this should be a ‘no-brainer’ decision.

    But I urge you to make it quickly, because. . .

    The ‘Black Leaf Project’ is About to Go GLOBAL!

    The small cap story I told you about at the start of this letter is moving at pace.

    The company behind the ‘Black Leaf Project’ is taking its coal-to-diesel technology global, starting with coal-rich, oil-poor Vietnam.

    They’ve just signed a deal with Vietnamese energy company Vinacomin... and have just begun development of a second coal-to-diesel plant on the Red River Delta.

    The Red River Delta has several BILLION tonnes of coal. A power station that turns that to diesel will dramatically alleviate Vietnam’s energy problems, virtually overnight.

    According to the Black Leaf Project’s head:

    “We plan to have the first stage operating by the end of the year and this will be a stepping stone towards a commercial power station.”

    Ideally, you want to own this stock before that happens.

    If you want in, don’t wait another second.

    Simply click on the secure link below.

    As soon as you do, I’ll show you how to download your free and urgent reports, Aussie Stocks Leading the Global ‘Clean Coal Rush’.

    I’ll also rush you your three FREE gifts, as well as your first issue of Australian Small Cap Investigator.

    Quite frankly, I believe my newsletter will change the way you invest forever.

    If I help you make a lot of money, you'll most likely keep reading my research. But on the other hand, if you're not completely happy, I'll gladly give you a refund, just for giving my service a try. (You can keep your free report and gifts, with my compliments).

    To get started now, Click Here.


    Dan Denning
    Editor, Australian Small Cap Investigator

    PS: STOP PRESS! The federal government has just announced it’s going to spend an unprecedented $193 million on fast-tracking clean energy technologies. This will be spent over the next two years. $143 million will be spent on clean coal while $55 million will go towards renewable energy.

    Much of this $193 million will go in the form of grants to the EXACT type of small cap companies sitting on our watch-list right now.

    If you want to hear about and profit from these companies, don’t waste a second. Click the Subscribe Now link below.

    PPS: Final thought... don't forget your subscription is 100% REFUNDABLE for the first three months. That gives you complete freedom to test the power of my tips without putting a cent in subscription dues on the line. If, at anytime, you’re unimpressed – just cancel! I'll give you a FULL refund – no questions asked. You have nothing to lose and only money to make. Click on the link below to get started.

    Click Here to Get Started and Get Instant Access to the pecial Report Aussie Stocks Leading the Global 'Clean Coal Rush'

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