Dan, its now out of control, page-415

  1. 43,147 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    This is a prime example of the bias that exists in the absence of intelligent observations - "The Fed govt budget was under some sort of control..." despite the falling wages, conditions and job security post Abbott causing some to get rich but most getting poorer and deeper into debt... hey its good the economy.

    Meanwhile the budget was managing with ever-increasing immigration which artificially boosted the books on a per capita level and Frydenberg was continuing Morrison's budget strategy of promising spends on social projects such as Aged Home Care and NDIS, then restricting the spend so that at the end of the financial year they could claw back to savings and artificially boost liquidity. Even unemployment was artificially masked by use of under-employment being excluded from the poverty level wages being earned.

    So @copperroad, are you saying that Dr Philip Lowe is a "crazy"? He was becoming increasingly desperate to manage our ongoing deflation and recessionary falls in productivity for 18 months asking the Govt to do more on the fiscal expenditure front. Many other economists were echoing his calls as were business leaders and the BCA. The only ones happy with the Govt since 2013 was the Minerals Council and coal miners.
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