Dangerous Wong, page-11

  1. 1,975 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    I am certainly not going to support Penny Wr.ong BUT. USA and the Western World that started with the British Empire set a lifestyle and democratic way of life for the past 150 years. The Brits went broke and the USA took over the reigns to Democratize the World but looking out to the future do we want to be part of that or maybe move on to something new. As China becomes the Super Power of the 21st Century should Australia look to move on from the influence of the Western Nations. We began our change when we decided we did not want to be linked to closely with the Brits who sold us out in many ways. We hitched our wagon to the USA ( a smart move) but does the USA represent our best values?? Australia cannot go it alone in this World. The Australia I prefer has gone disappeared under the weight of immigration and Multi Culturalism ( copying USA ). Personally I would be surprised if the Chinese (mainland) do not bring Taiwan and Hong Kong back into the fold. Australia into the future is really up for grabs on a global basis. I am not sure we can avoid ( long term) the influence of THE Super Power of the 21st Century and I am not even sure we should.? Certainly is food for thought. Wong is a lightweight as are many of our politicians. The bigger picture will not include the numpties voted for here in Oz. Bout time we became a Republic.
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