and as well, this fantastic Dan lead government, doesn't know...

  1. 4,420 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13785
    and as well, this fantastic Dan lead government, doesn't know who set up the hotel quarantine system (or so they say)

    this is the hotel quarantine system that failed all victorians and caused at least 99% of the 2nd wave. the only reason it isn't 100% is because the contract tracers could find where the other 1% came from!!!

    I personally don't know if having a Andrews government in control of hotel quarantine that just admits that they stuffed is better or worse than having an Andrews government that doesn't know who set up the hotel quarantine system and caused most of the 816 covid deaths and caused our great state to be locked down for 3 months. it will take years to find out the problems this incompetence has caused.

    but we still have people saying well done dan????
    Last edited by captainblood: 18/10/20
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