daniel christie,dies family turns life support, page-56

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    An abuser pays system sounds good but it is not realistic. Firstly, my guess is a vast majority of crimes like these are committed by people with little money behind them and low job prospects and whatever money they had would have been taken up in some sort of fees relating to whatever system was employed. And if they were to work and pay restitution, my guess is they would find a way not to work.

    You might as well lock them up and put them to work if that is the system you want.

    I'm not in favour of corporal punishment because i think it is the easy way out. People don't want their privileges to be taken away so locking them up is what they least want.

    I would much rather they be put in prison and put to work to benefit society. But, that will never happen because civil libers would be up in arms.
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