I don't live in thereal world eh?Firstly you were the sheep, A...

  1. 6,485 Posts.
    I don't live in thereal world eh?

    Firstly you were the sheep, A Current Affair are the idiots, but no matter, you just get all aggressive at me as per usual.

    I make a simple post about the merits of the case and not the incident itself and no one has the intelligence to see it for what it is.

    There have been many despicable criminals that get nowhere near what you want for this guy.

    Parents eh Nicky, what do a lot of you have to do with it.

    How about Goblin, thinks Tats has something to do with it and wants to torture the guy??? Madness and more agressive than the actual act itself.

    The mma knob also has a young family whose child will suffer.

    God help any of us if you lot get jury duty.

    Why I even bother I don't know, very annoyed. Apart from Reaper and Greenhart the rest are just right wing extremists.

    Hang everybody, kill em torture em bloody muslims.....it's too much.

    Don't retend you're in the majority, you're not most people are decent. Shocking extremism on this white boys site.

    Decent people are shocked and saddened by this disgraceful act, but they don't want to torture anyone. Nor do they want this bloke to do more jail time than child molesters or a guy that stabs his wife 14 times.

    Done don't bother answering.
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