Dastyari gone ... breaking, page-94

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    Wake up buddy.

    This isn't rolexes ,this is spying.

    For the life of me I still fail to understand how people who purport to follow and understand politics fail to see the seriousness of all this .

    Oh for a conservative with the smarts to really go the jugular here . It's enough to bring down Shorten if exploited in the right way .

    How this guy wasn't instantly expelled from parliament is a real eye opener as to the lack of rigor in our political debate ,they're all so used to points scoring off the back of trivialities they don't seem to have the faintest idea that a Mack Truck has appeared.

    You could imagine someone like Keating if he had this to work with . Come on Turnbull ,stop being an inconsequential wimp and take some decisive action . Show the public by your actions ,not words , what happens to an Aussie when they conspire with another country to work against their own country's interests
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