Fullguy, you oppose his removal, therefore you support his...

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    Fullguy, you oppose his removal, therefore you support his continuing regime.

    You have no answer on how to remove him, except the usual spurious gobbledook, which has been tried before with horrific consequences. ie: there is no longer any other way, therefore , unless youre prepared to support his forced removal, you are for him...there is no sitting on the fence as a viable position.

    There has never been a dictator in history removed by Kumbaya singers, unicylce riding pacifists, and banner waving hanky wringers. It takes hard decisions, which you and your friends are incapable of supporting, therefore you are a Saddamite...Simple..no prizes for second best sorry..

    Also , since this topic is becoming tediously boring, each day hearing the same anti american rhetoric and nonsensencial arguments of "no force" removal, all the screeching by those with US phobias, the posting of "partisan"" reports from Arab and russian "correspondents", its all just becoming a tad desperate, fellas, so i think its time i concentrated on more important stuff rather than your silly petulant loser tantrums.
    So rant all you want ,, its a done deal, the coalition will definitely remove Saddam, no matter what you want or think,so you guys get to put your placards and little red books away for the next failed crusade, and the world moves on.
    no doubt we will soon hear from you fine humanitarians rushing off to Iraq to help dig wells, roll badages and all those other wonderful things you are just busting to do as your contribution to the oppressed people of Iraq...lol..yeah sure.

    Cya later Ardent, stop crying , your eyes will go all puffy.
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