One corollary of David Bellamy's view of climate change is that...

  1. 3,816 Posts.
    One corollary of David Bellamy's view of climate change is that wind farms -the ones that generate electricity, not discussion forums- are a waste of money. As millions of dollars are currently wasted on alternative energy subsidies in Australia, this might have been a point of concern raised by the likes of Thurlow or Leaping Avenger. Instead, they chose to remain silent about this corporate welfare, instead pursuing the line that anthropogenic climate change is simply a myth devised by lefties to undermine western civilisation. Leaping even repeated this nonsense:

    "It has been estimated that the cost of cutting fossil fuel emissions in line with the Kyoto Protocol would be £76trillion."

    £76trillion? That figure is over 15 times the GNP of the USA and is clearly false! Nonetheless, I agree that Kyoto and subsidised wind farms are a waste of capital.

    The idea of human activity affecting the climate is of interest, but of much less importance than what the changes will be and when they might occur. The big challenge for scientists studying climate change is to predict these effects and so allow better planning. That is why Australian governments are so interested. The profits currently being reaped from dozing the bush and erecting cardboard and staple sh*tboxes are dependent upon population growth to provide buyers and maintain prices. And water supply infrastructure must be able to cope with that growth or the whole slimy scheme will come down in a heap. This would not so much be an undermining of capitalism as an undermining of parasitism.


    Europe's biggest wind farm planned for Scotland
    By Rajeev Syal
    (Filed: 20/06/2004)

    A plan to build a 300-square-mile coastal wind farm in the Scottish Highlands has prompted claims that it would ruin a magnificent landscape, officially recognised as one of Britain's finest.

    Opponents fear that the proposals could lead to 500 turbines, each said to be more than 350ft tall, being built in the villages of Ardnamurchan and Morvern on the northwest coast of Scotland.

    Local councillors have received more than 1,000 objections to the plans from residents who believe that the region's beauty would be marred by the turbines.

    They also say that rare wildlife such as golden eagles and sea eagles could be wiped out by the rotating blades. Thousands of bird deaths in Europe and America have been blamed on wind turbines.

    Richard Saville-Smith, a resident of Morvern and an accountant, said of the scheme: "This has nothing to do with being green but everything to do with making money for speculative developers and estate owners.

    "It is truly staggering that anyone could propose a massive industrial development for a fabulous, unspoilt area like this. What nature has taken millions of years to create could be destroyed in a few weeks."

    A windfarm on Scotland's Kintyre peninsula

    The proposal for the farm has come from Wind Energy Ltd, a London-based company, which has initially asked for planning permission to erect five masts to test the viability of local wind power.

    Last year, Mark Shorrock, then chief executive of Wind Energy, told councillors in the Highlands that the company wanted to build 500 turbines, which would rank as the biggest wind farm in Europe.

    A wind farm on that scale would generate 1,000 megawatts of energy - almost twice as much as the next biggest one planned, at Barvas Moor, on Lewis, in the Hebrides.

    Mike Davies, the managing director of Wind Energy, said yesterday that there was a proposal to test wind power in the region but he denied that the company had firm plans to build Europe's biggest wind farm. "We are a responsible development company and will consult the local communities and environmental groups before any further developments," he said.

    "It is very unlikely that we would build a 500-turbine development in that area." He said Mr Shorrock, a former film producer, was no longer their chief executive but remained on the board.

    Ardnamurchan, a village on the most westerly point of the British mainland, has about 2,000 residents and overlooks Sanna Bay, near the isles of Eigg and Rum. Morvern has a similar number of residents and is also home to a number of golden eagles.

    Both villages have been designated Scenic Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Several species of birds of prey including osprey, red kites, merlins, kestrels and peregrine falcons live in the area.

    The Government is facing mounting opposition to wind farms. A conference was held in Manchester yesterday to co-ordinate campaigns against their development at more than 40 sites.

    David Bellamy, the environmental campaigner, attacked plans for more wind farms. He told the conference: "They are determined to rush through plans that will make the British coastline ugly and impossible for birdlife."

    The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has stated that it supports the drive towards increased renewable energy. But in an address to the British Wind Energy Association in March, the RSPB said that it "will object to any wind farms that seriously threaten important populations of birds and their habitats".

    Efforts to curb the development of wind power are under way across Europe. In Germany, the world's biggest wind power producer, a campaign to halt 400ft turbines has been launched in Uckermark. In France, regional councils are refusing permission for new turbine developments, and in Denmark, the government is preparing to scale back the number of rural turbines.

    In Britain, official targets state that 10 per cent of the nation's energy should be supplied by renewable resources by 2010. Stephen Timms, the energy minister, said: "We need about £1 billion a year investment in renewable energy over an extended period.

    "That is rather less than has been achieved in some countries, but that is what we need to do if we are going to secure the environmental benefits, begin to address climate change seriously and make sure we have the UK-controlled sources of electricity that we need for the future."

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