Benny boy, I think my motive in all of this has been clear...

  1. 13,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Benny boy, I think my motive in all of this has been clear enough. Today's news that a conservative British Government will pay millions of dollars in compensation to its own Guantanamo victims speaks volumes about the injustices that were performed and a governments unwillingness to speak up against the actions of the US military. Howard was clearly just as culpable as Blair and Bush and deserves our condemnation.

    Cerhob, I think you are being disingenuous old mate. While there is nothing new about military tribunals, the fact that it it was proposed to accept evidence extracted under torture and also accept third party "evidence" (ie I heard this from someone who heard it from someone else) led to the resignation of the US military prosecutor. This was certainly NOT standard military procedure.

    I'll end my contributions to this thread by reiterating the point I attempted to make at the beginning of the thread. I am concerned by the blind and docile way both sides of politics in this country unquestioningly cling to our military alliances with the US. Generall Eisenhower warned, many years ago about the corruption of the US military indstrial complex. It seems to me that the American willingness to engage in so many conflicts since WW2 has led to very little of value and much of harm.
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