M4M 6.67% 1.6¢ macro metals limited

Will Chile’s nationalization of lithium follow a path similar to...

  1. 5,050 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 897
    Will Chile’s nationalization of lithium follow a path similar to that of YLB, Codelco, or some new route? Some factors in Chile seem to bode well. In contrast to Bolivia’s nationalization of an early-stage lithium industry, Chile’s sector is already substantially developed. Chile is currently the No. 2 producer of lithium, to go along with its world-leading reserves. In addition, the Boric administration has signaled a gradual phase-in and more flexible, partnership approach.The success or failure of the Boric administration’s stated intent to leverage public-private partnerships will likely hinge on the perceived fairness of the compensation and treatment of the current leading companies, SQM and Albemarle.
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