PLS 1.29% $2.30 pilbara minerals limited

Day to day discussions on S/P, page-15913

  1. 2,565 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2095
    Amazing how a 2c upswing can totally change the mood here! All of a sudden, the voices of yesterday predicting all doom and gloom are gone, and we're all telling each other how quickly those of us with very steep losses, me included, will make them back.

    Where's the reality? To be truthful, i don't know any more. i thought i knew 2 years ago, and got it horribly wrong. Now, I do see clear risks for PLS. However, you'd have to be totally blind or even more God believing than Scomo or Barnaby, to not see the massive disruptive change happening on the EV and ESS front.

    For the sake of us as humanity, I still do harbour hope that one day very soon, even the most conservative politician will see how much we are our planet with our unabated carbon emissions, and especially how hideously expensive this is getting for us, whereas we now do have a viable and affordable path forward to a booming carbon free economy.

    I am actually surprised that the current catastrophic and shocking bush fire crisis does not bring up more of the climate change debate. If you read 1990 CSIRO or IPCC reports, we are getting Exactly what was predicted.

    I do have a small glimmer of hope that, in a similar way as Dieselgate, insanely, will go down as the best thing that could have happened to VW as it forced them to transition to the EV future, that in a similar way these terrible bush fires provide that last wake up call to All of us in Australia and globally, that we now have to seriously and Radically get on and decarbonise our world, with Li from companies like PLS being a major building block.

    Let the horrible loss of lives, livelihoods, memories, and property not be in vain. Talk and write boldly to every one you can, especially those of differing opinions, and urge them to support dramatic action to combat climate change to avoid even greater future pain.
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Mkt cap ! $6.928B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.37 $2.41 $2.26 $52.29M 22.58M

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9 195193 $2.29

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Price($) Vol. No.
$2.31 958840 25
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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