Day Trader’s Aftermarket Lounge 2 June 2020, page-2

  1. 339 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    @Lambrae following on from last night, DGB - you can find the markets its listed on here: - I am not sure if this will be visible, but its the coinmarketcap website and you search for the coin (DGB) and then select markets.

    On Tradingview you would search for DGBBTC and either the bittrex or Kucoin charts would be best, unfortunately TV doesnt consolidate the data/volume from all exchanges so you are best to look at the biggest for the coin you are charting, or the most trusted. Some exchanges run bots to fake volume... But Binance, Bittrex and Kucoin are all good to chart and look at.

    Here is the Bittrex -
    Here is the Kucoin -

    I always chart in BTC and not USD or USDT as you end up with too many variables. If you are just trading BTC pairs then you remove this. As an example if you were trading DGBUSD then the exchange would in the background first identify the value of DGB in BTC then convert to USD and then display this, so while you are holding DGB the bitcoin value could move and thus throw the USD variable. Hence only trading BTC pairs removes that variable.

    I should cover off the units of Bitcoin as well - Satoshi's I can do that in more detail on the weekend, but in essence below is a really quick guide of what makes up 1 bitcoin. So if you were trading DGB right now, you would say its trading at 179 satoshis. As its value is 0.00000179 Bitcoin. If you were to conver that into USD it would be 0.00000179 x $10,125 (value of bitcoin right now) = $0.01812375 USD per DGB.
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