it confounds me though, I don't believe it too different to any...

  1. 194 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    it confounds me though, I don't believe it too different to any other strain of influenza/corona virus. The regular influenza virus has a fatality rate of around 0.5%. The Covid19 has a fatality rate of around 2-2.5%. With Covid19 I am still confident with 97.5% to 98% chance of just suffering like any old nasty flu (just got over one a few weeks ago).
    Other flu viruses and bugs travel the globe all the time from humans just like Covid19 and infect us all.
    Media frenzy sparking mass fear and panic has caused this crash.
    Think eventually people just have to accept the virus will linger around just like any other flu virus and burn out eventually.
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