Day Trader’s Weekend Aftermarket Lounge 25-27 Sep 2020, page-11

  1. 1,704 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Had a pretty good day today, seem to have recovered from my performance slump mid week, wasn't too bad just an off day.

    Couple of day trades today. I will start with the negs. Bought DRE on open, rookie mistake I know not to buy a big gap but hey I got out only 1 pip down so I will take it, a small loss is good IMO. Caught on VAR too, cut it quickish luckily again. For the positives, traded JRL twice, 70c-83c and 65c-73c. Then PGY in at 4.5c out at 6.5c. Bought some SRNOC which is up a bit into close but holding as a swing, we'll see I liked the leverage but so much supply it'll take a bit of pumping on the heads to get through to parity IMO.

    In terms of swings position in ADNOB up and DT around it a little too.

    Keen for a nice weekend and off to dinner and drinks with the girls. Have a good one everyone!
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