Day Trader’s Weekend Aftermarket Lounge 27-29 Mar 2020, page-311

  1. 26,823 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1307
    on trading platforms ' ANZ/cmc are very disappointing. Constantly.
    no chi x, they just withdrew it with no explanation. Have my longer term stocks in it so I can't ditch it without big interuption. Speckle says FP markets is good. Will try one day.

    On virus matters, I think The Prime Minister Morrison should stop telling everyone how long this maasve destruction of business will go on for. He keeps saying 6 months. 26 weeks.
    and that the gov is just going to compensate everyone.
    i say BS. And all leases will just be renogatiated with landlords.
    this is a catastrophy being created in front of our eyes.

    he is a typical politician, he would no idea about running a business.
    The government seems content to just blow up the accounts of the country.
    if this went on for 6 months, they could smack this economy back 30 years.

    So far, 13 mostly elderly people over 68 have passed away. Many had existing illnesses.
    in China each year, over 1 million people die of flu like related illness, many are elderly and have other health issues, co morbidity,s.

    i think this handling of the covid virus is now in big danger of creating a problem that is many times bigger than the virus.

    Last edited by Oscar09: 29/03/20
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