Day Trader’s Weekend Aftermarket Lounge 7-9 Aug 2020, page-134

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    Hi guys,

    About myforced hiatus for 22 days.

    On 15 Julythe filth arrived at Yongah Hill IDC and arrested me for suspected suspicion ofillegal activity on my phone. No mention of what. They had a search and seizurewarrant for all electronic devices. They did a thorough search of my property,both in my presence and in storage in another location. They took my laptop,phone, USB’s, SD cards, hard drives, power banks, and various peripheralcables. Two hours later they un-arrested me. I went the computer room to accessmy accounts and was told by the DSO’s (Detainee Service Officer) that I am notallowed to access the internet or use anyone’s phone. I did have access to apublic phone, but I had no numbers. The filth informed me that if my phone wasclean, I should have it back by 17 July, laptop may take a little longer.

    On 16 July Iwas taken to HCA (High Care Accommodation) which is a public friendly soundingterm for Isolation, In the hole, down the back, or Chogey as we used to call itin prison. Could not find a reason for it then and 3.5 weeks later still noreason.

    On 22 July Iwas being interviewed by ABF (Australian Border Force), instigated by me tofind out who has my phone, where is it, and am I getting it back, and if sowhen. Was also trying to find out why I was punished by being sent to chogey.It usually takes a week to see ABF after a written request and this was thecase here. Suddenly they told me that the filth were on the way with my phone.It made me wonder why they are meaning more than one were coming just todeliver a phone (1 hour each way from Perth).

    Anyway, theyarrived, and I was taken to a room and all my gear was there, still in evidencebags. I was ready to clam up once again as is my wont around the filth whenthey put me at ease by stating that I am clear and am not going anywhere. Thenthe clanger came, remember they still had my gear. They wanted permission tohave access to my cloud account. Well, I thought for a few minutes, asked tospeak to my lawyer but nowhere to speak to him so I had to go it alone. So, Iwas now the interviewer. First thing I established; do I get my gear back nomatter my answer? Yes. Will my refusal to give my permission go against me inany further actions? No. Is this situation the same as the ‘no comment’scenario when arrested? Yes. Then I sat back for at least 5 minutes thinking. Iremember them asking if I had any passwords protecting stuff. I knew they werein my diary and they had seized that, so I told them. I was safe because I knewI had done nothing wrong. My cloud is protected by a password but is neitherhere nor there. What I think may have happened is this; They obtained a warrantfor everything but neglected or forgot about the cloud, or never even realisedI had one. They kept referring to it as the iCloud, but I am a Samsung man, sothey were clearly out of their depth. I have 3 cloud locations and they nevermentioned any of them. Then I thought, maybe they have tried to get a warrantand failed as all my other gear was clean. So, I asked won’t you just get awarrant if I say no? They said yes but it wasn’t emphatic, so I had my answer.Obviously, my answer was no. So, I got my gear back, no kiss my ass, thank you,sorry for the inconvenience, nothing. When I asked why it took so long, theysaid I was lucky they could have dragged it out for a year. My lawyer saideither they were pissed that it was clean, or it really had to go to forensicsfor deep analysis along with the laptop.

    Wow it was astressful time for me, no numbers to ring, no way to check the markets, noemail. My lawyer emailed the filth 3 times trying to get @zero2a$mill's phone no. butthey never replied. I was trying to guess his email address and my lawyer was getting pissed off with me with all the bounced emails he got. Finally got it 2 days before I no longer needed it.

    Upshot of allthis; I am in the clear, but someone did something illegal using my wifihotspot, so the investigation is continuing. There is no wifi in here so inorder to use my laptop, I need to link it to my phone. It was passwordprotected, but this was compromised somehow. I was also dobbed in by someone inhere. I achieved knowing this by a process of elimination. Going on what the filthtold me and the DSO’s told me everything but the name I now know exactly who itwas. My data usage is about 1GB per day on average, but on the day before I wasarrested, my data went up to 8GB in the space of two hours. When I looked inthe settings, I found a brand name phone, not Iphone or Samsung. There are only4 of these phones in my compound. So, if the filth can trace that wificonnection on that day then they have the culprit. Needless to say, as soon asI changed my password the downloading stopped.

    So glad to beback amongst friends and supporters.

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