Hey 64eheh and Endless. I very rarely post these days. I got...

  1. 899 Posts.
    Hey 64eheh and Endless.  I very rarely post these days.  I got smacked around too many times in the past by a poster with a "holier than thou" attitude (you two will remember who that poster was, along with his "followers") ... it took it's toll and wore me down.  Eventually I decided that it was best for me to just bow out altogether and go my own way.  As a result of doing that, I'm largely unaffected by what I read on HC (even though there are times when I want to slap some posters with a wet fish - instead I just put them on ignore  :-).  I still follow the day-trading and after-market lounge threads every day.  I really admire your on-going dedication with keeping the threads going / interactive, along with the legendary Highlandlad, Trees, Ravgnome, Shantaram (and plenty of other posters!) who step up / step in, to help out.

    The song below sums up alot about life in general but in particular:

    In your personal life ... "Don't be reckless with other peoples hearts.  Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours".

    In the trading world ... "Don't waste your time on jealousy.  Some times you're ahead, some times you're behind.  The race is long.  In the end, it's only with yourself.

    Enjoy and keep it all in mind!  :-)

    In case that link doesn't work, try this:

    Enough said from me ... I'll crawl back into my wee hole now.  
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