Taken from the thread... gives an idea of the technical details...

  1. 5,742 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 183
    Taken from the thread... gives an idea of the technical details left hanging in the air so far by management.

    1) The company and Lilac promotes itself as having run the pilot plant for 10,000hrs. How many hours of this was run with virgin brine, how many hours was run with recycled brine and how many hours with simulated brine?
    2) What is the total volume of virgin brine that has been processed?
    3) What is the total volume of Lithium Chloride that has been produced?
    4) What is the total volume of Lithium Carbonate that has been produced?
    5) The pilot plant was slated for 2019, it is now 2022. What has it taken so long? And what have shareholders been strung along?
    6) Where are the relevant permits? and how long before all permits are secured?
    7) What is the total energy consumption, where will that energy come from, and what is the CAPEX/OPEX of that energy?
    8) Will the company promote its Scope 1, Scope 2, or Scope 3 emissions?
    9) When will the company produce an emissions report from a reputable 3rd party?
    10) What is total acid consumption?
    11) What is the total reagent consumption?
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