Arvo all. I went out most of the day.
Made some pennies outa KTA.
PR1. Punters are showing their inexperience here. I musta seen 1000 stocks with anncmnts and charts like this and 99% of the time they get sold off after an initial spike.
Do peeps remember as far back as yesterday? VMM was gonna be the biggest thing since sliced bread. Before that OCN, FRE, RWD, RDN, BEZ, IMU.
Just for curiosity value. Here's my current watch list. There's no strong order but stocks nearer the top are the ones I'm most likely to be looking to trade. Lower down are just to give me some reference points to the market and general way things are tracking.
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Arvo all. I went out most of the day.Made some pennies outa...
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