We had 63 tips line up this morning with high hopes due to...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 104
    We had 63 tips line up this morning with high hopes due to higher commodities and a healthy looking SPI 200. The market began solidly and kept improving ,topping out at about 2.30pm before weakening a bit in the run to the line.
    We had one late withdrawal in VUL which is having a short break while the wordsmiths work on an announcement on a binding offtake agreement ,sounds good to me.
    Overall our tips lacked a bit of class today and there was just the one outstanding and 4 honorable mentions ,I suppose we were due for a day like this.. The outstanding goes to CXO opened .49/highest fluc .59 /closed .57 this came from @jayse888 and@Guaranteed Profits ,well done on tip of the day.
    The honorable mentions go to CDT .16/.18/.16 from @HungHing ,MIG .49/.56/.49 from @dazatoN ,LIO .053/.06/.054 from @samcharlotte77 and PGD .41/.46/.40 from @bintangs .
    Hopefully onto a stellar TGIF with gold holding onto lasts nights gains and a greenish looking DOW futures. The live steam from resource rising stars is worth a look ,GML up at 5.45pmAEST sobar will be tuning in.
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