For what it is worth I tend to have 2 to 3 long term shares - 1...

  1. 3,533 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3657
    For what it is worth I tend to have 2 to 3 long term shares - 1 boring dividend staple 2 spec's with multi week to multi month returns, and then 1 day traded stock at a time but with a "large" amount bet on that stock. I model that intensely through the day (as you may have noticed), but it has to be able to swallow a large transaction at each price line - so typical order volume should be 2 to 3 times what I want to trade in an order, also the return needs to be a few hundred to a few thousand for each cent or so. Ideal price is between 20c and 300c per share.

    Some of this is dictated by the terrible Iress trading system. When it was the Java client I could have a screen full of charts and trade maybe 6 shares at a time, but with orders pre queued but with this piece of ruibbish you can really only see one properly so I changed my style (particularly after I lost 100k when I accidentally placed buy orders 2 or 3 times in a row when meaning to place sell orders because the stupid system defaullts to buy on the sell tab after the first order on the tab and with trading multiple stocks you tend to be going flat out when the targets start hitting.
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