Day traders' after-market triage ward June 14, page-3

  1. 7,781 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 910
    The Real Questions are:

    Were Interest rates Deliberately Held back by the LNP?

    Was it Irresponsible for Interest Rates to have been so low for so long,
    Pushing up the Prices of Houses,
    When they were already some of the most expensive in the World,
    And we were Already in a Housing Affordability Crisis.

    Did keeping the Interest Rate too low, for too long,
    Cause even more of a Housing Affordability Crisis?

    Did it trap more Australians into Overpaying for their Homes?

    Should the Banks have given Loans at those Valuations?

    Were the Valuations Genuine?

    Should the Banks themselves have realised and put their Home Loan Rates up Earlier?

    Was pressure put on the RBA to keep Interests Rates so low?

    Was it all a Scam, to trap as Many people into Overpaying for Houses,
    Before rates inevitably went up?

    Is the RBA fit to manage the Economy if it cannot understand these things?
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