Day traders' hoorah-for-the-weekend after-market lounge Sep 3 - 5, page-70

  1. 321 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 480
    Thank you very much for your advice @slick, definitely under no illusion that I'll adjust to the TA style of trading quickly. As you rightly said before, I understand it takes many thousands of hours of PA + watching charts before becoming any good. Normally I'm very patient when things go against me, have lost heaps in the past and made more than what I lost too...but once in a while one or two shockers give a big kick to the confidence...not so much because of the loss or gain, but they push you off the track ...part of the learning experience indeed.

    Like your screen setup!...I too have Commsec Iress, but the main window is setup with watchlist and market depth of one stock taking top half, and bottom half with one short term chart and another long term chart of that really well when I'm watching PA very closely, but becomes a bit too much when watching too many. I'll try your suggestion in a separate screen and will give it a try, looks like it'll help me to avoid some unwanted noise. Again, much appreciate your help...will persist and stay in the game.

    Hello @mirren, great to see you more active on HC recently, really like your charts. Some very wise words indeed, what you said comes from experience, and none of it sounds as a discouragement at all. Been tradings specs for quite a few years, but mainly an LT FA trader so far...totally agree with you that specs is a mine field indeed, but when they move in the right direction worthwhile taking those risks.

    Inspired by you and many others here, who can smell the money flow using charts, hence started learning TA to add some DT/ST into the mix.

    As I get better at TA, would venture into other instruments, such as FX and Crypto. Until then, happy to watch and learn . Thank you for taking your time to respond and providing some good pointers.

    @Patterns, thank you for the EUR chart, ties well with my assumptions for next week, will watch closely.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend all.
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