Day traders' Queens birthday weekend lounge June 10 - 13, page-123

  1. 1,173 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 71
    You are really spot on and up to speed with how UTI's can cause delirium symptoms that can mimic Alzheimer's, especially in women because our bits are closer to the external environment, one advantage of being a man is that their urethra is longer (aka penis protection). So, one lucky advantage of being a man ... size does count Ha! Ha!.

    UTI's, and dehydration can play havoc the older we get. You did a good thing for everyone here to post this info, raising health awareness.

    I was a nurse for 14 years left due to crap OH&S lifting injuries in the 90's, and am returning to practice at age 60. As a nurse, your research is great Joannie. Unfortunately, my elderly mum is showing symptoms of Alzheimer's, really a very hard phase for her, we are trying to help her with acceptance, hard on us all, and her grandchildren are worried too.

    I think I am losing my mind through the stress of studying at UNI, working, and trading. Information overload. So, I asked a very stupid question yesterday about the order not going through. Not my best moment of clarity. A truly blonde moment.

    ATM I am in clinical hospital placement and cannot trade for a few weeks. I am so stupid, I should have sold to keep cash weeks ago or in April when I was 40% up and am now tanking badly. My lack of experience and misplaced optimism has been detrimental.

    I can't remember who it was that posted months ago a success story of how a 20 k was turned around to be profitable. Was it @Guaranteed Profits or @deanmac If anyone remembers the post, can you reshare it? For my inspiration!

    You sound like you made some money today which is awesome, you're doing great Joannie, at least doing the best you can in this environment. I commend you for your discipline.

    I want to thank @Patterns for all of the subtle, but clear trading signals you kindly post daily.

    And a big thanks to @mirren and @Veritas2000 (PS I hope your moves are going well for both of you).

    Everyone on this thread is amazing. I want to thank you all.

    Exhausted ... ATM

    Last edited by Phoenixx: 14/06/22
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