Day traders' weekend lounge February 23 - 25, page-30

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 679
    @RockstarJones, Dear Rockstar
    Thank you for that great link. I can totally relate.
    I have been suffering from extreme panic attacks for 40 years, ever since the break up of my first marriage.
    But even as a kid I became so upset by the films on Sunday afternoons. Seeing the jews packed into trains and then to the gas chambers. The horrors never left me.
    Then just before my 12th birthday, I witnessed on TV the shooting of JFK, I was violently sick and so distressed for ages.
    Then films of people being swallowed up by quicksand gave me horrific nightmares.
    That film about the triffids caused a great fear of large plants, not forgetting Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds.
    This all filled me with irrational fears which grew steadily worse.

    But the hideous panic attacks began when I was 30, I would literally freeze, I could not take a step, even if I was in the middle of a busy road. As I have got older they have got worse and worse, I am pretty agoraphobic, the only place I feel safe is in my bed.I had to sell a thriving business when I was 58 as I was a danger on the road, out of nowhere an attack would start and I would slam on my brakes. So I had to quit driving.

    My mother is in a home in England and is begging me to come over, she will be 93 soon. I doubt I can make it.
    have been walking around gripping a cushion to my chest, which makes me look like a lunatic.
    I have not been able to enter a shop for over 4 years, since I had a nervous breakdown after my dad died, he was 90.

    On and off, over the years I have self medicated with alcohol, which is really bad and leads to more anxiety.
    This has given me a fatty liver and weight gain among other things. I have been given every drug possible, spent 5 weeks in a private clinic, where I did a 2 week course of CBD, to no avail. I am allowed a small amount of Valium after seeing psychs as that is the only way to stop it.I rarely was able to shower as for some reason I was petrified and shaking like a leaf.

    My husband was very unwell mid January, he had constant diarrhoea and lost a lot of weight, he blamed it on a take away curry, which we shared. After 2 weeks I finally persuaded him to go to an emergency GP on a Friday night, he was given very strong antibiotics and thank God is well on the mend. But I thought, hell I must stop drinking so I can look after him, which I did, with the help of valium. This was on 21st January, 2 weeks later I had to go to my GP for my latest blood test results which were much improved. I told him I had quit drinking again and after hearty congratulations, he prescribed me a high dose of thiamine, Vit B1. I have always taken mega B vitamins by the way.

    Now we are coming to the point of my novelette, after about 1 week, I noticed the panic attacks had virtually vanished! Upon researching further this is the cure for them, damn and blast Big Pharma.
    I have read the link which you posted and it mentions folic acid and B12. I had over the years told GP's that for years my Dad needed a monthly injection of B12 and perhaps I did, but they all said, nothing deficient is showing on your blood tests. I will look into this a lot more. But when I was at the Docs, I mentioned my excruciating back pain, which I put down to being almost bedridden for 4 years, when he examined me he said it looked as if I had a couple of fractures in my spine, great, and also osteoporosis. I have had two scans and am waiting for results.
    This was a shock, so slowly I hit the wine again, but still almost no panic attacks, I can even shower myself now

    So I have typed all this out, hoping that this, plus your great link may help others. I am so grateful for you posting it.
    I will finish by saying that even though I may have problems ahead, I am so grateful for every day, unlike a while ago when I did not feel happy waking up in the morning.
    Life is precious and beautiful, I have a wonderful husband and family and two daft dogs, there are many far worse off and I still have a great sense of humour and love of music. Don't mention shares lol.
    Thanks once again, you have given me even more hope. Jo Jo.

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