You are too nice mate ...I'm no where near nailing it, but getting a tad bit more confident in understanding the basics and developing my "system". I'm finding it difficult to have more than 6-8 stocks on my watchlist because I have to watch the PA closely before making a move...any more is too overwhelming for me. I don't know how many here are like human scanners across a wide range of stocks, kudos to the regulars here. I have taken onboard your suggestion of daily scans -> top 6 -> top 3, and fine tuning it to combine with other runners.
SCU is a weird one indeed. It's another one that never managed to hold its spikes, but when it runs it runs hard. I reckon (biased view though) it has more in its tank, as there is no threat of a CR, approx. 6 mil cash in the bank and Wilsons buying ~4% of the company on-market in the last two months, so I decided to wait and see what happens.
RAG is another one that's on my watchlist and behaving like SUD i.e. forming upper wicks and unable to form a higher high. Positive is broker data, showing pros buying and retail selling although very recent data showing 3P churning a bit of volume (buying and selling) at same price points, so I feel like preparing for distribution...I am an amateur at this and have no clue though. I don't like holding into the drill results, so to me it's cutting too close to the results to take a position, but definitely worth watching as it could run to 10c fast on a breakout.