Bit of a case of personal difference there - I do try to comply...

  1. 12,252 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 379
    Bit of a case of personal difference there - I do try to comply to be fair -asking nicely rather than demanding is perhaps a key - given I have just been posting the default for years ...

    If I want to post charts intraday - I would have to fiddle for at least 5 mins to flip everything opposite to make anything right to post - I would have to change a lot of stuff in the settings - it is not just about flipping the background - not that simple - You have to change the colour of all the candles and indicators and blah blah

    Really don't like a white hell -I did try it - in time I could adapt - but in the end I prefer dark - it is what it is - that does not diminish either input imo
    Point for me is I just accept what everyone posts -
    The trading view and binance charts are on a whole page -the trading asx stuff is different - it is all on one platform wheras the rest is on a diff default - that is the only way I can explain my perspective -
    Each to what works unfortunately -
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