Day traders' weekend lounge May 13 - 15, page-91

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    Ok - so the first it's a 'tulip' run in crypto - BTC ran up to 20000 and pulled back to 3000 so at that time - when it was on it's big run a lot of traders from here jumped and traded crypto - they were already good at TA and pretty experienced -
    After that low the biggest bullrun happened to 69000 BTC

    At that time I think I did look into setting it up - the exchanges were all overloaded and crashing at the time so it was hard and you needed wallets and a million authentications to trade it - so I just got a bit -this is too hard - however this time I did set up a binance account and traded it a bit when it was all running - to get across the platform - one of the things I personally hate learning new platforms confused.png- takes a few months and a lot of demos blah blah but you get there... you can trade small amounts -
    I do however stick to the main ones if I buy to hold - the traders that I do talk to that trade it are so how to say good at understanding it all - that is a bit the hard part is to understand - It is a rabbit hole of decentral information - I guess if you dedicated a few months to only figuring that out it would make more sense that is the real thing the ones that were early and the young ones are deep in that rabbit hole and get it - I did look at a lot of documentaries to try to understand it better a year or so ago that helped a lot - not like the general market we have central news they seem to find out info everywhere - so that I think is what takes the time -
    Charts are critical for trading crypto and indexes imo - even then it is hard - that is a long winded convo also -
    Same though can be said for any 'type' of trading - those that trade indexes and currencies learn how to analyse the news and trade all that according to their particular type of news events - as we do here on the asx - we get up look at overseas and go according to news and the various leads - so tomorrow we have decent leads to start the week as the US indexes bounced a bit -

    Doing all that every morning is what I would do to prepare for asx and over time I got a bit interested at how it all works so hence that is why I started to share that here - cause I would read @highlandlad's report and back then@paddington bear used to do a verbal report on the charts - so it did interest me along the way of how that would affect the day here ....
    LUNA daily chart -
    So when this all happened and crypto was melting down a bit generally I mentioned it - as a matter of fact and interest -
    Anyway it is worth learning all these skills imo -
    As I have said in the past though trade stuff on asx that makes money first so your not stuck with some spec drama - and these things happen all the time across all markets - these things also provide opportunities for those that can see them ....

    @Helsyd and @togakure thanks for the wishes - It has been so amusing going to relentless open houses - dressed like I just got out of bed - of course all the agents ignore me - they think I am some bag lady in target clothes - it is good cover to do the homework in peace -
    I really don't know how this will all play out - in spite of having great support I am not that good at being homeless -

    I listened to one agent drone on for a good 5 minutes about all the analyst's he follows and where the market is going - he even explained to me the difference to needing finance and being a cash buyer -he sort of looked at me like you poor woman you surely don't understand the difference-

    Shoulda seen the look on that face when I said I can pay cash send me a contract rotfl - let's see how we go should have a new house soon and more or less as planned near the beach
    Now before any of you think I am bragging not so - it is in a suburb that is cheap in comparison - always a bargain hunter at heart lol - have had so many conversations with myself in my head of what can go wrong -
    Am I happy I left where I was yes
    Is this the right place yes cause there is so much to do and I can get a job if I need to want to have to -
    The potential is huge the house is a bit shabby but good bones a bit like how I have been dressing - the current tennant has pet snakes in the garage !! I hate snakes but you know in QLD you can build a big fat fence across the front of your property and most do - after the neighbor's I left that has been my dream biggrin.png
    You really have to laugh at all of this it is actually funny eek.png

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