Day trading pre-market open July 13, page-11

  1. 5,439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    OT @Veritas2000 Been short on time and only just skimmed the w/e thread. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but please don't despair. My missus has severe brain damage due to a large tumour (benign thankfully) on surface of the brain and surgical removal of same. Damage was due to compression of brain by growing tumour. During her long recovery, incl multiple further surgeries for post-op infection, etc, she realised there was no effective support available for people who refused to accept they would be permanently impaired, so she decided to DIY. It's been a remarkable journey so far, even though she accepts that she will prob suffer premature dementia eventually. She has now become one of the most knowledgeable people nationally on building/retaining brain health, while having no formal neuroscience qualifications! She has identified a few of the smartest people internationally and is in contact with several. I mentioned your situation to her and asked how she would approach it. She said best starting point would be a US bloke named Dale Bredesen who's come up with something called 'The Bredesen protocol'. He's also written a book: 'The End of Alzheimers'. He is chief science officer at Apollo Health.

    She said that success depends quite a bit on an indiv's level of motivation but you sound like you have plenty.

    All the best from me, regardless of whatever you decide to do and, as you undertake your journey, it sounds like you have a small army of supporters here! Cheers mate.
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