Day trading pre-market open September 29

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    Morning traders. Thanks @shovel40 for filling in later today - much appreciated. I'm shutting down now to unplug the house before the electricity goes off/on.

    Overnight round-up and day ahead: "ASX Today: More blood-letting as Wall Street tanks"


    Today is a public holiday in Paraguay to celebrate the Battle of Boquerón, when brave and noble Paraguayans showed those infernal Bolivians a thing or two. (I have nothing against Bolivians - just trying to get into the spirit of the holiday.) The battle marked the start of a lengthy border war between the neighbours, commencing in 1932 and dragging on until 1935. Paraguay ultimately secured two-thirds of the territories in dispute. Breakfast this morning is Chipas - Paraguayan breads that look like doughnuts but are made with yucca flour and cornmeal. A version made with cheese is popular at Easter.

    Last edited by highlandlad: 29/09/21
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