day trading

  1. 1,140 Posts.
    hi all, i have been following this forum for a couple of weeks now to get an idea of how the day goes and getting tips and information on stocks. i have a couple of questions and if i could get some answers that would be great. im looking to becoming a day trader in the near future but there is definately alot of educating and research needed b4 i even think about quitting the day job, but more realistically only working a couple days a week when i need too.

    firstly, what is a good figure to make income and profit from as a starting mark? personally, doing the figures myself i think 50k would be a good start, but im sure from everybodys experiences i will get a much better idea.

    What sought of programs are out there, and what are the best ones. i use basic etrade at the moment, which is great for a beginner,but the more i read and learn, the better tools i need to enhance my ability and increase my chances of success.

    from reading the forums daily i have also noticed how some of you can pick stocks during the day based on volume, buyers/sellers in the market, aswell as "sophisticated" charts . is this because of the programs which use are using or is the information obtained elsewhere? thanks for your help.


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