daytrade diaries... august 13, page-11

  1. 8,937 Posts.
    Morning all

    I had a restless night having woken at 4am to see the DOW up 132 points and carrying almost double my normal holding portfolio overnight on T+3... There is good and bad to this srtategy!

    PRE > I bought a swag at 1 cent (god knows why someone dumped them?) and a smaller parcel at 1.1 yesterday which will need to be converted today. Possible 1.2 open would be terrific for PRE?

    ITC > The news for the past two trading sessions has been encouraging and yet the share has 'limped'... potential for significant gains in coming weeks. Daiy reports will help with oil shows in the last two notices.

    TAM > May be the surprise of the day. I bought at 3.3 yesterday and this really needs a turn. Gold was up last night and news yesterday suggests that this was a great buy. Thanks TP!

    BAU > I decided to hold on yesterday and waiting for a possible run to break that 58 level today. I think it's the longest I've held a share in months! Been in and out since 48.5.

    Agree that a REITS watch should be cornerstone on the VPG/CNP/CER/MDT/HFA circuit.

    POS > I was impressed with the way this held yesterday and will also somehow be watching this today. Often played with.

    OEX > What can you say? I'm not sure why to fell from 27 to 22 last week? Strong watch on break to 30+.

    Have a good one and be careful out there....


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