daytrade diaries... friday, page-8

  1. 12,414 Posts.
    Morning All,

    Well a very good night in the US with retail sales figures giving the market reason to rally.. I just dont get excited about a rally, as it is usually very short lived these days and is followed by some negative news.

    Great day yesterday with some nice winners like MCW, BOW and IIF.

    As for today I expect these stocks to continue on up, though I am still not sure what is going on with IIF. Cloaka mentioned an article which was published in the Street talk section of the Fin review today, suggesting that GMG were offloading some IIF, but who was buying and why at 12c..

    In addtion I will be watching MAK, MOF, MUN, LNC, NWH, ARU and RFE

    I expect that my short term target of 60c might be reached for MAK. Here is another chart I posted a few days back.

    The other stock I will also be watching closely is Red Fork Energy Energy (RFE). Their announcement which was released a few days back was very encouraging and that has certainly be proven by watching the reaction on the markets the last two days.The gap I talked about yesterday in the chart IMHO held the shareprice back from going higher yesterday, though the good news was it was closed in late afternoon trading with a daily low of 28.5c hit before closing at 30c.

    Here is the chart. I think we will see higher prices today, but who knows.. Im holding, good luck if you buy.


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