1. 599 Posts.

    HERE'S AN OVERNIGHT DATA AND EVENTS:(market expectations, last observation)

    > Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker on the proposed congressional audits of monetary policy: Such moves would present very serious risks to the effectiveness of monetary policy and ultimately to economic growth and stabilityThe governance of the Federal Reserve System balances accountability, with ultimate authority resting in Washington, and independence, with the participation of non-political leaders from throughout the country.

    > US CPI Urban Consumers m/m (Dec): 0.1% (0.2%, 0.4%)

    > US CPI Urban Consumers y/y (Dec): 2.7% (2.8%, 1.8%)

    > US CPI Urban Consumers Ex Food & Energy m/m (Dec): 0.1% (0.1%, 0.0%)

    > US CPI Urban Consumers Ex Food & Energy y/y (Dec): 1.8% (1.8%, 1.7%)

    > US Empire State Manufacturing Survey (Jan) expanded to 15.92 (12.00, 4.50) in January, suggesting that production is supporting the economic recovery.

    > US Industrial Production m/m (Dec) rose 0.6% (0.6%, 0.6%) in December, the sixth consecutive monthly increase. The result was driven by an increase in energy use as the weather turned unseasonably cold. Manufacturing dropped 0.1% as losses in auto and mineral production overshadowed gains in business equipment.

    > US Capacity Utilization (Dec): 72.0% (71.8%, 71.5%)

    > US University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Sentiment Survey (Jan P): 72.8 (74.0, 72.5)

    > CH: Money Supply - M0 y/y - (Dec): 11.8% (15%)

    > CH: Money Supply - M1 y/y - (Dec): 32.4% (34.6%)

    > CH: Money Supply - M2 y/y - (Dec): 27.7% (28.0%, 29.7%)

    > CH: New Yuan Loans - (Dec): 379.8B (310.0B, 294.8B)

    > CH: Foreign Exchange Reserves - (Dec): USD 2399B (USD 2420B, USD 2273B)

    > German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Greeces efforts: Greece has now taken important steps toward budget consolidationNot only do I approve of these, but I know what a Herculean effort that is for the Greek prime ministerI was saying that, first off, the euro held up well during the international economic crisis but that, given the different deficits of the member countries, everyone has to do their homework.

    > GE Wholesale Prices m/m (Dec): 0.2% (0.5%, 0.7%)

    > GE Wholesale Prices y/y (Dec): 0.2% (0.5%, -3.2%)

    > EZ Passenger Car Registrations y/y (Dec): 16.4% (26.9%)

    > EZ CPI All Items m/m (Dec): 0.3% (0.3%, 0.1%)

    > EZ CPI All Items y/y (Dec): 0.9% (0.9%, 0.5%)

    > EZ Core CPI y/y (Dec): 1.1% (1.0%, 1.0%)

    > EZ Trade Balance (Nov): 3.9B (5.0B, 4.7B)

    > Head of Euro Area Finance Ministers Jean-Claude Juncker on tax proposal: Mr. Obama is surely right to propose the measures he just put forwardWell have to see in Europe if we could act in the same mannerI dont have a preconceived idea on this topic, but I would find it difficult to adopt a common approach, because tax matters are tackled nationallyTwo things wont happen: Greece wont go bankrupt; but it has to make enormous efforts. The second point is that the hypothesis that a country will leave the eurogroup or euro zone is not a question. Its absurd.

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