daytrade diaries... july 10, page-16

  1. 5,224 Posts.
    im not sure why a new daytraders thread is necessary.the same thing that is happeneing on this thread will happen on the other.
    imo the main problems are-

    too many non-daytraders post here

    too many come here for training(could create another thread for this)

    too many non trading posts

    post regarding shares that are not daytrades

    too many charts posted(if you are a daytrader you should have your own live charts and not need to request charts or rely on someone elses chart analysis.some of the chart analysis ive seen on here makes absolutely no sense to me.based on too many assumptions and not enough facts but thats the beauty of charting.its entirely up to the individuals interpretation).

    constant repetion of posts

    blatant ramping

    fundamental analysis

    stating of the obvious.

    all the above items clog up the thread.this thread has so much potential if only everyone tried to stick to daytrading topics.ive noticed the rating system is not being utilised as much when someone come on and posts something purely irrelevant or idiotic.when it was first introduced and posters were getting the thumbs down for useless posts the quality of posts slightly increased because it made some think for a second before posting.

    anyway still a good thread but could be so much better
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