daytrade diaries... november 6, page-23

  1. 3,108 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    I tend to take a lot of the posts in the daytrade area with a grain of salt. *MOST* recommendations that are made in here are either:

    a) outright ramps - and usually pretty obvious to figure out which
    b) not actual daytrades at all, but rather are short term holds - swing trades ideally.

    But, the regular contributors do bring value to this thread, and you always *must* use discretion about whos advise you believe in and who's you don't. If you blindly follow anyones advise I'm sure they themselves would be disappointed in it (unless they are ramping!)

    Anyway, my attempt at adding some value, I'll be watching oiler JPR over the next few days. Classic wedge formation occurring:

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