daytrade diaries... october 12 part 2, page-154

  1. 1,346 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2 what a statement ...stab other trades... mate im new at all this probly a year ..
    just wanted to know how you could say such a thing!!!!!!!!!

    people on this thread have got me some HUGE money. u need to know who to take knowleadge from and who NOT to take ramping off... i go off my list of those peoples STRIKE rate ....i study them!!!!! NOT THE SHARES as i dont have the knowlaedge for the stock market but they do......

    its like backing a melb cup winner...NEVER EVER leave bart out of a trifecta

    some u win and some u lose, but if those people dont get it right im out what RATE

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