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    Lost opportunities from the crisis
    September 12, 2009 .

    LEHMAN Brothers' collapse brought the financial system to the brink. But a year later - not only in Australia, but also in China - the world is already dusting itself off.

    Did the financial crisis show how vital high finance is? Or how useless? I'm still not sure.

    In the 1950s, American political theorist C. Wright Mills argued that the country's nuclear arsenal was too complex for politicians to control. The military-industrial complex ran itself.

    Today, the economy is held hostage by the masters of the universe, and any treasurers, regulators or central bankers who purport to regulate are kidding themselves.

    Is the freedom to invent toxic instruments like ''collateralised debt obligations'' - or devise pliant ''value-at-risk'' methodologies as credit ratings agencies did - essential to the functioning of modern financial markets? Probably.

    We've coped with the fallout and, on the bright side, the financial crisis has caused a worldwide de-spivving more savage than anything Paul Keating could have dreamed up.

    In that sense, at least, it was a necessary reckoning.

    Although we had it coming, our response to the crisis had the utmost gravity, with an estimated $US5 trillion in bail-outs and stimulus money to be spent by the governments of the G20 by the end of next year.

    We blew the chance here to spend that money on the energy and transport infrastructure needed to alleviate global warming, which will wreak lasting damage to our economy and slowly rob us of the beauty and variety of the natural world.

    Exhibit A: This week a group of international scientists toured the lower Murray and warned that the Coorong was losing its status as a wetland of world significance. Richard Kingsford told the ABC: "We are looking at a system that's really in a state of ecological collapse."

    Exhibit B: Last Wednesday a report warned of "catastrophic damage" to the Great Barrier Reef unless atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are kept below 400 parts per million. They are now about 390.

    Our $42 billion-plus fiscal stimulus package gave us cash splashes - a gift to retailers - and forced spending on primary school halls. We got more coal export infrastructure and more roads, and some freight rail.

    For the environment, we got $2.7 billion in free insulation. Tick. We got $4.5 billion under a so-called clean energy initiative but about $2.4 billion of that will be spent on ''clean coal'' initiatives like carbon capture and storage.

    On the Government's own estimates, carbon capture will not make a difference until 2030 at the earliest (if ever) and will help justify construction of coal-fired power stations that will exacerbate climate change.

    About $1.5 billion was pledged to fund a solar flagship program but reports this week indicated that program will fall well short of its aim of funding 1000 megawatts of solar power generation.

    On Wednesday, Melbourne-based Solar Systems, a pioneer of concentrating solar photovoltaic cell technology, went into administration. Solar Systems used mirrors to focus sunlight on photovoltaic cells and increase their efficiency. It had secured $125 million in grants to build what would have been the world's largest solar power station, a 154-megawatt plant at Mildura.

    The collapse was blamed on the financial crisis. Most experts think the real opportunity for efficient, baseload solar power lies in solar thermal technology - in which concentrated sunlight heats water or other liquids to generate electricity - rather than photovoltaics, which convert sunlight to electricity.

    The green new deal simply hasn't happened in Australia. Another opportunity missed.

    Meanwhile, the task of preventing dangerous climate change gets more daunting. Leading international figures like Nicholas Stern and UN climate chief Rajendra Pachaudri this month recognised we need to set a tougher target, reducing background emissions to 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide equivalent.

    That leaves Australia awkwardly placed because the Garnaut climate change review was asked to model scenarios of 450 to 550 parts per million.

    The Greens asked Garnaut to model a 350 parts per million scenario, but he declined.

    Our climate scenarios are starting to look out of date.

    Climate Institute research director Erwin Jackson says every available emissions reductions technology, and a big push to energy efficiency, will be needed to hit a target of 350 parts per million, but this is a "multi-century game".

    "The core issue is not so much where the long-term stabilisation target is, it's where you peak," he says.

    Jackson says we need concentrations to peak soon, below 550 parts per million. We're at 450 now.

    But David Spratt, co-author of Climate Code Red, says hitting 550 is a recipe for disaster.

    "That's like saying we can have catastrophic temperatures (above 2 degrees warmer) for two centuries and we'll get back to where we should be once we've destroyed half the world's ecosystems," Spratt says.

    He says research from the Potsdam Institute's Hans Schellnhuber - Europe's leading climate scientist - estimates the world can afford to emit no more than 750 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide by 2050, if it wants a 2-in-3 chance of avoiding global warming of more than 2 degrees - commonly described as the ''guardrail''.

    Assuming no population growth, the world's 6.9 billion people can emit 110 tonnes each.

    On Thursday, a study by British consultancy Maplecroft confirmed that Australians were the world's worst emitters per capita, emitting about 21 tonnes each a year.

    "Our budget runs out in five years," says Spratt.

    [email protected]
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