WinvestShouldn't expect anything different from ASX, they just...

  1. 3,555 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13

    Shouldn't expect anything different from ASX, they just like to be seen to be maintaining market integrity, all the while collecting their fat fees from companies. Case in point - speeding tickets - pointless.

    RXL/DRK: Suffered from the hype and pre announcement pumps, will be many a burnt punter left holding. Suspect a cap raise for RXL prior to the next drilling program, hopefully sooner rather than later.

    AKM: Very nice chart (10m), almost textbook retrace and then break of the high.

    AZS: Was a seller active most of the morning, 100m prop pulled then others followed. Perhaps a sign they've finished selling? Will be watching tomorrow, assays still due from 3 holes.

    Also watching AOH (now that the Xstrata option has expired over their copper project) and MAR (very little action, waiting for Pattos to move it).

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