Hi Trees, Sorry for belated reply (stepped away for some food)....

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    Hi Trees,

    Sorry for belated reply (stepped away for some food). [EDIT: Bigger sorry. LONG step-away to link and paste. Also, Captain Caveman typing fingers]

    hahaha, gee I dunno... I figure most of the/you guys & gals in the AM lounge are experienced traders already. This is just kindergarten-level stuff that I posted in the Newbies for Newbies thread in AZK - mostly psychology (Tharp), motivational (Livermore, Darvas, Dennis, tiny bit of Buffett) - it would be akin to to Dubya Bush rocking up to Putin and giving him a lecture about war-mongering.

    Also, my 'ride up, then ride down' trades on ADO and PSY don't exactly make me a poster boy for consistency (I'm sure the smoker who looks disgustedly at his cigarette understands how I feel, as does the dieter who is chewing forlornly on her umpteenth doughnut).

    Still, if I (and many others) can take [educated]-inspiration in Darvas'* tales and AA people can still take knowledge from recovering alcoholics, here goes nothing... (linked from AZK in chronological order):
    * reputed to have, er, fudged his trading figures

    - 'Dude... don't let your winning trade be for nought!'

    - (more substantial post) 'Dude... get into the Traders' Mindset Groove* with some books. Also, stop taking out your market (mood)swings on your dog - learn some Position Sizing, and here, have an R-Multiple or two. Umm.. a tiny smidgin of FA love ala Buffett and Greenblatt'
    * no Mark Douglas shenanigans here, remember.. Noobs helping out Noobs!

    - (tiny post) 'Dude... these are the guys you should be high-fiving on HC, not that guy who lied about owning a yacht and got pwned. God Bless'
    (NB. heraclitus typo, sorry hera)

    - (another IMHO substantial post) 'Dude... if you're into trend-trading, here's a pretty good one-stop shop guide to setting up. Also, remember those gnarly Turtle Trader dudes I was talking about? Here's Master Splinter's Richard's Secret Sauce Manual. C'mon, you know you want to sing it...
    ~~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heroes in a Half-Shell! Turtle Power!~~'

    - (um, not worth reading, don't click; it's the pedant in me. I said pedant!) 'Dude... I iz wrong about da spelling and da grammar'

    - (your wins: magnitude v frequency; useful Position Sizing online calculator) 'Dude... don't be like Mayweather with his little pitty pat jabs, be like Pacquiao and go for the KO! Also, you don't want to learn to calculate your trade size? (Rahdical, dude! NOT recommended) But here ya go, ya lazy bastard'

    - (all over the shop half-asleep post but some quotable quotes from William Eckhardt, Rich Dennis' partner in crime) 'Dude... sometimes you just gotta stack it'

    - (not worth clicking; only for those of you who are wondering about a possible cause for your increasing risk-taking behaviour) 'Dude... why do I keep holding these lit firecrackers in my hands?!?'

    - Winding down...phew... Trees, fanks for the invite into you(se) guys Lounge. Hope I didn't bore anyone. Carry a big bat and swing for the fences, y'all!
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