Hey Baz, it was silly to say 'it's just money', right? Sorry...

  1. 1,200 Posts.
    Hey Baz, it was silly to say 'it's just money', right? Sorry about that, i know how it sounds and know the pain. I have a few losing positions myself :-( and regularly take losses :-( I’m trying to change my attitude to the market and trading otherwise it will drive me just crazy and I will be unhappy person all the time.

    I analyse all my trades (especially losing trades) and trying to make it different the next time but sometimes you can’t do anything, e.g. THR :-(, i got caught too but learnt another lesson from this one about money management, so reconsidering the size of my positions, size of loss, risk/reward ratio, etc.

    Trading is a full time job for me, so i am under pressure to make money every week to survive and pay my bills and YES it's not easy but i have no other choice like to win and succeed. Why some people can make money and i can't? Rubbish, i will be successful just need to learn every day and improve.

    I've found that my superfund account performing much better than my own trading account and you know why because i more relaxed, i have time to be patient and don't sell for loss right away. Unfortunately, i don't have that ‘luxury’ for my own account because i need to make some coins to pay my rent etc.

    Anyway, life is not easy, I actually had a very well paid full time job in my another life, lol, tried to get back and worked for a few months and decided that I can’t spend 3 hours per day travelling to the City, working 9 hours+ every day and take care of my daughter and other family ‘staff’. That’s it, sorry too many words ;-)

    Howdy Foil Hat,

    I’m using Spark every day, very happy about it and can’t imagine doing my trading without it. Very useful platform. How do you use it?
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